Chromebook is a web box with little to no functionality Offline, not to mention it can't run anything outside the Google Store.
As for security, I'm sure everyone knows the number of attacks doesn't equal to how much secure it is or not (common mistake that makes people believe OSX and/or Linux are safer than Windows, when they're not).
I can make a keylogger for Linux in 5 min. with no systems in place to stop me (believe me, I've done it for research sake), while on Windows the same can't be said.
Chromebook can take malware like any other OS, the Google Store is no stranger to malware.
So no I don't fall for all this advertising of Chromebook being invulnerable to Malware and being the safest ever, for me it's like any other and you guys are over-hyping it.
Wanna be secure practice safe habits, there's no miracle Software nor OS that will keep you safe from stupid.
The targeting of applications and OSes has everything to do with security. Migrating to a (much) less targeted platform is the same concept as reducing attack surface - which is one of the best methods to thwart attacks.
You don't need 554 layers on a Chromebook to be secure. Compared to Windows, only a relatively minor amount of things that the user needs to do to remain comparatively very secure.
No one ever said Chromebook was invulnerable. You are assigning meaning and intent as you wish. What has been said repeatedly is that Chromebook is much less targeted as compared to Windows.
People here have posted numerous times not to install Android apps and other stuff from the Google Store. Because everybody knows that Google cannot control nor police its store properly and it is full of malicious stuff.
For those that neither have the knowledge nor the inclination for security soft geek level stuff, Chromebook is the safer, more easily used option.
And if you're a gamer, need to use Windows-only apps, etc … well, then... Chromebook isn't for you. Nor does Google want it to be for those types.
As far as privacy, LOL, Microsoft is just as bad, if not worse, than Google. It's been well-proven. Research it.