This is turning into a war rather than an argument-based discussion... Remember guys, that Linux, Windows, antivirus or default deny, we all pursue the same goal of security and, on different levels, we all either achieve it or keep learning on our way to the top. Some may find, at this moment, AV more suitable for them, others may find default-deny solutions more suitable, and lastly some may find a combination of both as their best solution. There are no black or white, good or wrong here, it's more a matter of tastes. I switched to default deny not so long ago and I haven't had any trouble or infection with it. I used AV for years and I hadn't had any infection as well. Everything starts on our habits and our workspace, and what we do or aim to do. It's like, I don't know, secured hardware firewalls. There are great thousand of dollars routers that provide great security. Although, me as a home user would never spent so much money on them, because I don't need them nor will they actually make me "safer" on my condition as a home regular user. The best option varies on the kidn of user.