We definetly have a different view on this, which is fine
most people dont have a clue what the TOS are or who Google are selling your data to - for that reason, it makes no difference at all who is taking all the data, its still being taken & used. (have you read them? - do you know where it all goes? - did you know you were still being tracked even with it all turned off?)
Facebook have already had their time in the news for such practices (more to come - FB are able to track users 24/7 even if account & app is deleted/deactivated), so has Twitter - ...keep an eye on the news in the next few months, expect more of Google (& Amazon) to be hitting the headlines for such privacy/data related breaches.
These companies are not offering security, you are the product they are selling.
Google is 'The Worst' of them all.
To bring it back to the Topic, Deny all - Deny Everything.
Ive not used a traditional AV for a very long time now.
I recommend Qubes OS too.