Files are force quarantined. And if the file is moved from quarantine and renamed, Cylance changes the file properties such that the file remains hidden and cannot run.
To remove from Quarantine, files must either be deleted by the user manually via the advanced user mode GUI or whitelisted by Cylance support. You don't have to physically submit a file to have it whitelisted by Cylance. Just contact support and they will do it. The disadvantage or inconvenience is the time-delay of the process of Cylance whitelisting the file.
Cylance's argument is that their algorithm has a small number of false positives.They claim "a miniscule false positive rate of .000314%."
Here is a developer's experience trying to get something whitelisted by Cylance - when he is not a paying Cylance client - just merely a guy trying to get his work whitelisted so Cylance won't kill it:
Not an isolated case. Research it.