Buy CybertronPC Evoke Desktop Intel i5-7500 Quad-Core 3.4GHz, 8GB DDR4-2400, 1TB HDD, 120GB SSD, MS Windows 10 Pro with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
Buy CybertronPC Evoke Desktop Intel i5-7500 Quad-Core 3.4GHz, 8GB DDR4-2400, 1TB HDD, 120GB SSD, MS Windows 10 Pro with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
Computerworld covers a range of technology topics, with a focus on these core areas of IT: Windows, Mobile, Apple/enterprise, Office and productivity suites, collaboration, web browsers and blockchain, as well as relevant information about companies such as Microsoft, Apple and Google.
I have been using Linux for many years. I consider myself well-versed in the open-source kernel and its associated operating systems. When I first started using Linux distributions, the community dreamed of a day when it would become the dominant force in computing.
Answer (1 of 27): First off, I love Linux. A lot. I use it every day and only use windows approximately every 6 months. Linux on the desktop doesn't suck, or I wouldn't use it, but it's a mess. Using Arch Linux as my day to day OS, I see that software distribution is a mess. It's terrible, horr...
Linux is great and probably ok for the uses you plan. Keep in mind, though, that you have slightly more limited software options up front. If you ever want to run Windows software, that may be many years down the road. It doesn't run well in wine right now for the most part. Some are ok. Ubuntu is the one to go for for solid reliability from what I am seeing on Youtube. The Newegg PC has that,and could be this is why. As Ubuntu is explained. on Youtube.."everything". This can be a different story with some of the distros. Anyway, you can always change later. Linux is no charge to you and $170 savings...
Hardware looks great if you like the overall. 2 drives with the large backup drive. Looks like a very nice system.
If you go with Ubuntu, this Youtube series might help you. It's 10 parts but don't get frustrated while watching the earlier episodes. Series has an ending you will like and lots of good information along the way:
It depends on your hardware. I have an i7 4790k and 3 hard drives( OS on SSD, everything else is on HDD) and I don't notice any performance impact at all. InSpectre should tell you the performance impact before and after patch.