I bet this is going to go south and actually reduce usage even further than Facebook has already experienced.
Why is someone going to use this service when they already love YouTube? You can remove the YouTube advertisements anyway for free with an ad-blocker.
It's like they are going back in circles out of desperation now. Come up with a new idea like Instagram did and then you'll be back in "the game".
They made bank during their time and now they aren't making as much money. That is normal and that is business. He needs to sell shares and do something else and then get himself back up again. Most entrepreneurs start-up and then sell and repeat to make proper money... That's how it works.
If you stick at it for too long you can lose everything because trends and usage changes. People follow whats around them and what their friends are doing. If one person stops using Facebook messenger for Snapchat or Instagram DM, friends follow, and then more people follow, etc.
The main reason Google has not suffered from the issues Facebook has is because Google have offered so much for such a long time, like their search engine and Google Mail. And Google without a doubt do have the best search algorithms in existence to date, and the usage of their search engine promotes everything else. Google also have amazing security and they pay huge bounties to good researchers trying to help them stay more secure when a vulnerability is discovered... Oh, a fast web-browser as well... Blah blah.
It isn't so much about the advertisements and data collection that usage of Facebook is declining. It's because the trend is dead in the water. For years I have seen people stop using Facebook because it's labelled as "boring" or "not as good" compared to new start-ups like IG and Snapchat. That is just how it is.
I mean the Facebook News Feed is just stupid for me in the past at-least so I stopped using it. The DMs always felt "heavy" and "bloated" and the Android app wanted to bloat on a secondary one to reply to messages which it would tell me were received. Stupid approaches and design like this are the issue and causes other services to get leverage.
Instagram is simple, has a nice and clean design. I think it is owned by Facebook now but cannot remember? But it isn't well-known and well-used because of Facebook, it happened much more before that. And I recall Instagram made some huge changes awhile ago so if it's true they are now owned by Facebook, then those changes probably made usage decrease as well. (some news feed changes I think).
Not sure about Snapchat but it's really popular, probably more than Instagram and Facebook.