question about an anomaly... wonder if indication of deeper config issue or just snafu...
running MX-Linux xfce 4.18 running in VMware 17.6. I set xfcescreensaver to activate after +15 min and to lock. it works during the day aok, and usually works overnight / in the morning when I go to use it, sceensaver is on and asks for pw and I'm in. BUT twice including this am, I enter pw and it says "incorrect" (I did enter it correctly!), I try again but keyboard seems dead, no input. Rather than reboot or crash system, the pw input window has option to switch user, I do that, screen resets and offers pw input window again but same user, me, and lets me input the pw and desktop and system
seem normal. (just me & root as far as I know).
Question: how abnormal is this? This un-nerves me somewhat. Is this some "typical" linux snafu, or indication of deeper problem. I am re-learning linux and too inexperienced to have a good sense what this is. Wondering if some xscreensaver bug, a config error I made during installation, that I am otherwise not detecting, or worse some sort of overnight hack.