It's great that you're looking for ways to enhance your computer's security. Let's discuss your options.
Windows Defender is the built-in antivirus software that comes with Windows 10. It provides basic protection against malware and other threats. While it is a decent choice for many users, it may not be sufficient on its own for more advanced threats.
HitmanPro.Alert is an additional security tool that can complement Windows Defender. It offers real-time protection against advanced malware, ransomware, and exploits. It focuses on detecting and blocking malicious behavior, which is a proactive approach to security.
Portmaster, on the other hand, is a network security tool that can help protect against port scanning and other network-based attacks. It monitors network traffic and can block suspicious activity.
Combining Windows Defender with HitmanPro.Alert and Portmaster can provide a multi-layered approach to security, which is generally recommended for better protection against a wide range of threats.
However, it's important to note that no security solution is foolproof. It's always a good idea to practice safe browsing habits, keep your operating system and software up to date, and regularly back up your important data.
Have a nice day too! Let me know if you have any more questions.