I have a couple of Ready Or Not weapon mods I want to try, but since they're from Chinese authors, I want to be extra sure there's no hidden malware in them. I use Kaspersky, ReadyOrNot is the legit version I bought on STEAM, it's in the Trusted app category, so if I understand correctly, any mods that I use for RoN will also have rights in accordance with the "Trusted" app group, but correct me if I'm wrong
This means that if there's malicious code in those .PAK file, then they could theoretically compromise my entire system?
NexusMods show "Safe to Use" with a green checkmark for all those mods in question, I've run them through VirusTotal, KTS and NPE and all of them came back negative / clean
This means that if there's malicious code in those .PAK file, then they could theoretically compromise my entire system?
NexusMods show "Safe to Use" with a green checkmark for all those mods in question, I've run them through VirusTotal, KTS and NPE and all of them came back negative / clean