... So I went into internet options\content\feeds and web slices\settings. In there I unchecked "automatically check feeds and web slices for updates". I also unchecked everything else in there.
Presto................Problem gone. So exactly what was going on? Well it turns out that ielowutil.exe is a prefetcher for feeds and web slices. ...
I finally caught ielowutil.exe running in Win10 for the first time today and was trying to figure out what it was, and why it was running. The most helpful search results sent me here. So I registered for the purpose of stopping by and saying - THANK YOU! Dieselman (whether you see this or not).
And you're right. When the msfeed sync runs, so does the ielow utility, which appears to be low-level security for fetching the feed updates. I also noticed turning off the feed features also cleans up the Task Scheduler a little bit. I had been debating whether to disable it that way, which I probably could, but don't have to now since the Internet Options interface did it for me and totally removed it. I don't use feeds anyway, in fact, I hardly ever use IE to begin with unless I have to.
But anywho, Bless you for the helpful info, so I didn't have to dig too deep, lol.