OK,we need to use ComboFix to remove some stuff.
<li>Make sure that the copy of
Combofix.exe that you downloaded earlier is on your Desktop but Do not run it!</li>
<li>If it is not on your
Desktop, the below will not work.</li>
<li> Open up Notepad and copy & paste the following scripts inside the Code, into that notepad:
<li>Save the above as
CFscript.txt and make sure you save it to the same location (
should be on your Desktop) as
ComboFix.exe </li>
<li>At this point, you MUST
EXIT ALL BROWSERS NOW before continuing!</li>
<li>You should have both the
ComboFix.exe and
CFScript.txt icons on your Desktop.</li>
<li>Now use your mouse to drag CFScript.txt on top of ComboFix.exe
<img src="http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1218/cfscript1.gif" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Follow the prompts.</li>
<li>When it finishes, a log will be produced named
<li>I will ask for this log below</li>
>Note:</> <>DO NOT</> mouseclick combofix's window while it is running. That may cause it to stuck.
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