EDIT: Clean Installed Windows 10. New config, less bloated! Old config in spolier!
I removed several things that I don't normally use, such as VMware Workstation 12, Sandboxie, and Malwarebytes Premium (Licence ran out.) I also stopped downloading malware samples and stopped visiting phishing sites, so there is no need to have VMWorkstation 12. Sandboxie TBH I never used, and probobly never will. Malwarebytes stays as an On Demand Scanner.
As an result from a clean install, I am noticing a reasonable amount of speed boost. Computer boot time went from around 4min~ to 2min~ (My PC is old..)
I will be dual booting Windows 10 with Windows 10. Wait! Let me explain! So one Windows 10 version will simply be for school and looking up youtube videos, checking the forum, etc. Bascially a productivity OS. This one will have the secured config above. The other will be ONLY for gaming, with no other programs except for Steam, f.lux, and (maybe) HitmanPro.Alert. Nothing else will be on that OS. (Not even main AV, not needed, as I will only be downloading games from Steam) I think this will be best for increased performance and no other programs slowing down my PC