Look all i can tell you buddy is that sometimes when you install a program it sometimes highlight under lying problems that we as human over looked & it can bring about issues that we blame on the current programs,there are nuff av's that you can pick from both free & paid,
they has 1 or two that i personally love & some that i personally hate,but what on earth does that have to do with you nothing cause my experience most likely will not be your's,when someone can tell you Windows Defender with Windows Firewall and Smart-screen is all you will need on Windows 8.1, i totally disagree,Microsoft has improved alot over the years but not to the point where you don't need other security
are you going to pay between say $700:00---$2700 to let $25-$100:00 make you look like a fool,free stuff is great,but never let uh dollar make you a fool,to cheap is not wise,cause sometimes what you neglected to put out from the get go,it doubles or triples later,just remember it's your personal stuff treat it personal,some people are so dirt cheap they try to hold every cent,but lose it all some way along the line,if Microsoft pc's have in components & software from others what does that teach you or say to you,( i have taken you this far but other will take you further) never put all of your eggs in one basket. Sincerely from someone who cares
Terry Ganzi
I'm thinking of replacing BD Free with Qihoo but it bugged my OS, needed to make a system restore.