The bottom line regarding Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, whether by design or not, did not detect the scripts.
Locating and procuring malicious scripts is quite easy... so anyone can very easily test if MBAM detects - or targets, or whatever one wishes to call it - Evil.Scripts for themselves.
You can classify MBAM however you like, but one cannot deny that it uses signatures and heuristics to detect malicious files. That makes its engine no different than most any anti-virus.
@cruelsister's point, at least to me, is that MBAM and HMP have limitations - just like any other security soft. So she shows both aren't good at detecting the specific scripts she used in the test... what's the big deal ? Nowhere does she condemn either one as complete and utter junk...
Locating and procuring malicious scripts is quite easy... so anyone can very easily test if MBAM detects - or targets, or whatever one wishes to call it - Evil.Scripts for themselves.
You can classify MBAM however you like, but one cannot deny that it uses signatures and heuristics to detect malicious files. That makes its engine no different than most any anti-virus.
@cruelsister's point, at least to me, is that MBAM and HMP have limitations - just like any other security soft. So she shows both aren't good at detecting the specific scripts she used in the test... what's the big deal ? Nowhere does she condemn either one as complete and utter junk...