Hi Gbaby614,
Thank you for your patience. Please try the following steps...
STEP 1: Clean your temporary files to gain more hard drive space and remove the junk files
<li>Download Ccleaner from the below link:
CCLEANER DOWNLOAD LINK</a> <em>(This link will automatically download Ccleaner on your computer)</em></li>
<li>Install Ccleaner by following the prompts</li>
<li>Start Ccleaner and the following should be selected by default, if not, please select:
<img src="http://i52.tinypic.com/4l5a4i.png" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Click <img src="http://i56.tinypic.com/16jox2o.png" alt="Posted Image" /> and choose <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/5x3nu8.gif" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Uncheck <img src="http://i51.tinypic.com/amuvj8.gif" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Then go back to <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/2jb4qyb.gif" alt="Posted Image" /> and click <img src="http://i25.tinypic.com/nf47ev.gif" alt="Posted Image" /> to run it.</li>
<li>Exit CCleaner.</li>
STEP 2 : Run a scan with Kaspersky TDSSKiller
<li>Download Kaspersky TDSKiller from the below link.
><a title="External link" href="http://support.kaspersky.com/downloads/utils/tdsskiller.exe" rel="external">KASPERKSY TDSSKILLER DOWNLOAD LINK</a></> <em>(This link will automatically download Kaspersky TDSSKiller on your computer)</em>
<li>Double-click on <>TDSSKiller.exe</> to run the application.
<img src="http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1907/tdss1.png" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Click <>Change parameters</>
<img src="http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/288/tdss2.png" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Check the boxes next to <>Verify Driver Digital Signature</> and <>Detect TDLFS file system</>, then click <>OK</>
<img src="http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/1456/tdss3.png" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>Click on the <>Start Scan</> button to begin the scan and wait for it to finish.
<>NOTE:</> Do not use the computer during the scan!</li>
<li>During the scan it will look similar to the image below:
<img src="http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9136/tdss4.jpg" alt="Posted Image" /></li>
<li>When it finishes, you will either see a report that no threats were found like below:
<img src="http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/9898/tdss5.jpg" alt="Posted Image" />
If no threats are found at this point, just click the <>Report</> selection on the top right of the form to generate a log. A log file report will pop which you can just close since the report file is already saved.</li>
<li>If any infection or suspected items are found, you will see a window similar to below:
<img src="http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/905/tdss7.jpg" alt="Posted Image" />
<li>If you have files that are shown to fail <em>signature check</em> do not take any action on these. Make sure you select <>Skip</>. I will tell you what to do with these later. They may not be issues at all.</li>
<li>If <em>Suspicious objects</em> are detected, the default action will be Skip. Leave the default set to Skip.</li>
<li>If <em>Malicious objects</em> are detected, they will show in the Scan results. TDSSKiller automatically selects an action (Cure or Delete) for malicious objects
Make sure that <>Cure</> is selected. <>VERY IMPORTANT!</> - If <em>Cure</em> is not available, please choose <>Skip</> instead. DO NOT choose Delete unless instructed to do so.</li>
<li>Click <>Continue</> to apply selected actions.</li>
<li>A reboot may be required to complete disinfection. A window like the below will appear:
<img src="http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/4812/tdss6.jpg" alt="Posted Image" />
Reboot immediately if TDSSKiller states that one is needed.</li>
<li>Whether an infection is found or not, a log file should have already been created on your C: drive (or whatever drive you boot from) in the root folder named something like <>TDSSKiller.2.1.1_2.12.2012_14.17.04_log.txt</> which is based on the program version # and date and time run.</li>
<li>Attach this log to your next reply.</li>
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