- Mar 1, 2024
- 1,468
Manjaro 24.2
Since we released Xahea in October 2024 we worked hard to get the next release of Manjaro out there. We call it Yonada.
The GNOME edition has received several updates to Gnome 47 series. This includes a lot of fixes and polish when Gnome 47 6 originally was released in September 2024. You can find the changes made to each point-release here: 47.1 7, 47.2 11.
Highlights of 47 release series are:
Accent colors have finally arrived! This new option allows customization of the existing blue accent color which is used throughout GNOME’s interfaces, with a range of fantastic alternative accent colors to choose from. Just select one from the Appearance settings, and it will be automatically used throughout the system and apps.
The Plasma edition comes with the latest Plasma 6.2 series 13, Frameworks 6.8 and KDE Gear 24.08 6. It brings exciting new improvements to your desktop.
Plasma 6 has come into its own over the last two releases. The wrinkles that always come with a major migration have been ironed out, and it’s time to start delivering on the promises of the new Qt 6 and Wayland technology platforms that Plasma is built on top of. One of the outstanding issues has been to make Plasma a more artist-friendly environment by providing full support for the hardware that creative people need to get their work done.
With our XFCE edition, we have now Xfce 4.18. Here some highlights: A new file highlighting feature (accessed from the file properties dialog) in Thunar file manager lets you set a custom colour background and a custom foreground text colour – an effective way to call attention to specific file(s) in a directory laden with similar-looking mime types. On the subject of finding files, Thunar includes recursive search.
Kernel 6.12 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. With 6.6 LTS and 6.1 LTS we offer additional support for older hardware as needed.
We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Yonada.
Manjaro 24.2 Yonada released
Manjaro 24.2 Since we released Xahea in October 2024 we worked hard to get the next release of Manjaro out there. We call it Yonada. The GNOME edition has received several updates to Gnome 47 series. This includes a lot of fixes and polish when Gnome 47 originally was released in September...