@imuade gave a pretty good summary of each product. As he mentioned they all cover different aspects, so you can run them all together if you choose
With that being said you asked a very good question, do I need them all together? Personally I think you can do away with MBAE and keep the other 2 if you so choose. OSA does offer very good protection, but make sure to take the time to understand what it covers and what the advanced features can do as well. In regards to MBAE, I think you will get different opinions on whether an Anti exploit is needed. Personally I think that by keeping the OS and software up to date helps a lot, not to mention getting rid of software you rarely if not ever use further reduces your attack surface. In regards to MB extension, its well liked here and performs well (I use it), again whether you need it will also be up to you. Browsers like chrome and Edge have very good built in protection against malicious sites already, so I would suggest trying it out and see for yourself if you need it. That being said, these exertions/softwares are not perfect either, so one must always practice safe browsing/computing habits regardless of what software/extensions you decide to use