Yes, I wasn't sure if the part of the command that changes on W10 systems with this command was the OneCore or if it was the ShellRefresh part. I think the second one is probably better to try. Anyway, a wrong attempt at a wildcard could only by a one in a trillion freak accident cause any sort of disruption on a system. So at least, experimenting with them is really quite safe...just a matter of will the pop ups stop...pleeeease...
I have only run into a few commands in NVT ERP that gave me a hard time wildcarding. There are some Google ones for Chrome and then there are some for Taskhost. I would really like to monitor Taskhost tasks, but not sure I'll be able to. Still working on that one.
On Kaspersky...are you running NVT OSArmor with ERP? I think there have been a few unalerted blocks from OSArmor reported so far. Hope this isn't one of those. If ERP is the culprit, the block event should show up in the log. You can try there. I suspect your problem may be associated with LogonUI.exe and or WinLogon.exe or WinInit.exe. Maybe you could check to see if all three of these are being allowed by ERP in the WhiteList Applications. If ERP attempts to alert during the period when the PC starts to go to sleep mode or during log off, basically everything else will be shut down. No chance of even seeing the alert. That could be what is happening with Kas...or it could be alerting about the very Kas activity itself too...
I didn't try out this version of ERP 4 yet either, it came out after my bedtime (also, I want to read other people's comments first, lol)@shmu26...what do you think? You are the ever trustworthy one. Haven't looked yet myself other than the reading.
3.1 is so powerful. I mean every time a vulnerable alert shows up, I get the opportunity to see the command line. That's powerful..
Maybe Kas uses a .tmp dropper or something for the update. That would get ERP's attention. I guess OSArmor could cause the same problem if you didn't see an alert or it was too late to exlcude, etc.
I just noticed something very strange on this main system I use .
View attachment 181251
Where is the Program Data Folder LOL? I just checked and it's in the most recent backup the system. How is the system even running? W764 btw if anyone has seen anything like this before. Just noticed it fetching the NVT logs path, which is here:
C:\ProgramData\NoVirusThanks\EXE Radar Pro\Logs
Look around the time of the last failed attempt by Kas and see if NVT records a block.
EDIT: LOL, I have run for so many years with hidden files unhidden I didn't even realize Program Data is a hidden folder. Google is the friend yes. That's what I get for feeling confidence to hide the hideable...
mods should close this thread since it is obsolete and redundant.
I was for the first version but it was not compatible with windows secure boot on my system so I dropped out of the beta testing at the first stage, and could not get back in for the second stage...Oh OK. I thought you were a beta tester for ERP 4..
@AMD1, are you sure that's all of the command line? Did you right click the command line to view it? Use the view/edit right click option if you can't see all of it in the c-l whitelist. nm I see your edit for this...
I have a question about a command line I found that I have whitelisted. Anyone run across this command line?
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe" /noconfig /fullpaths @"C:\Users\USERPATH\AppData\Local\Temp\gv1_oqvb.cmdline"
View attachment 183296
Is this MS and if so why is it using sdiagnhost.exe to start a VB script with csc.exe? What?
let me guess, you are on SUA when it happens?ERP 3.1 settings are reverting on a PC . Happens between boots. Anyone run into this before? Settings go back to defaulst (rules stay but can be auto-added during boot since defaults allow MS and program processes) and password is dropped. Even the window size doesn't stay as it was set when using the settings were last open. I wident the GUI to see the program better. They seemsto hold on this other PC. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling ERP.