Here is a new v1.4 (pre-release) (test38):
*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v1.4 ***
So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:
+ Block execution of cacls\icacls\xcacls.exe
+ Block execution of takeown.exe
+ By default "Block execution of taskkill.exe" is disabled
+ Improved detection of suspicious processes
+ Improved detection of suspicious command-lines
+ Improved detection of Bitcoin miner command-lines
+ Improved detection of PowerShell malformed commands
+ Improved OSArmor self defense (basic)
+ Self-protection (basic) is enabled by default and can't be disabled
+ Prevent wevtutil.exe from cleaning Windows Eventlog
+ Prevent Windows Firewall from being disabled via command-line
+ Fixed some false positives
To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.
@ForgottenSeer 58943
FPs should be fixed, thanks for reporting them.
There is an issue with MS Office exploit protection, it doesn't work right with OneDrive on Windows 10 RS3.
Can you post the log of the blocked event?
I have fixed the FP.
The process should not be able to run and work like it is supposed to right?
I'm sure it matched some internal whitelist rules.
Added the option "Prevent Windows Firewall from being disabled via command-line".
It covers sc.exe, wmic.exe, net.exe, netsh.exe, etc. Example:
Date/Time: 05/03/2018 15:55:24
Process: [2680]C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe
Parent: [4272]C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Rule: PreventWindowsFirewallFromBeingDisabledViaCmdline
Rule Name: Prevent Windows Firewall from being disabled via command-line
Command Line: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Parent Signer:
Date/Time: 05/03/2018 15:58:24
Process: [3148]C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe
Parent: [1964]C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Rule: PreventWindowsFirewallFromBeingDisabledViaCmdline
Rule Name: Prevent Windows Firewall from being disabled via command-line
Command Line: sc stop MpsSvc
Parent Signer: