- Mar 9, 2017
- 646
AdwCleaner (Clean mode)
In your next reply, please post:
- Double click AdwCleaner.exe on your Desktop, to run it as you did before.
- Click Scan Now.
- When the scan has finished a Scan Results window will open.
- Please check all the boxes and then click Quarantine.
- Click Next.
- If any pre-installed software was found on your machine, a prompt window will open. Click OK to close it.
- Check any pre-installed software items you want to remove.
- Click Quarantine.
- A prompt to save your work will appear.
- Click Continue when you're ready to proceed.
- A prompt to restart your computer will appear.
- Click Restart Now.
- Once your computer has restarted:
- If it doesn't open automatically, please start AdwCleaner.
- Click the Log Files tab.
- Double click on the latest Clean log (Clean logs have a [C0*] suffix, where * is replaced by a number, the latest scan will have the largest number)
- A Notepad file will open containing the results of the removal.
- Please post the contents of the file in your next reply.
In your next reply, please post:
- The AdwCleaner[C0*].txt