So if you ask me he is pretty much screwed as it is
Absolutely right. I'm really torn about this. On one hand, I think people who served their sentence shouldn't be impaired for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, some cases like this one do get me worked up and I'm glad the leave a lasting impression. I guess in the end it's the needless violence against others making the difference really.
Russian population are heavily alcoholic.
Yes, as far as broad generalizations go, this one is valid. I'm an open-minded and respectful person, but that isn't a one-way street. The Russian folks I've met so far mostly carried themselves in a manner I would consider rather rude and the heavy drinking doesn't serve to improve that impression really.
This may well be a cultural thing, mind you, but this is my personal perception. I know us Germans are often straight-forward and feel the need to comment on things where our opinion isn't asked for which is perceived just as rude in many cultures as well. So of course, I'm not claiming global standard.
Also, many cultures have a drinking habit but that doesn't have them smash skulls on a regular basis. We don't put much discretion on the beer part for example. Thing is if you know something makes you go nuts, it's a deliberate decision to give in to it. I know I go batshit crazy on Jack Daniel's, so I stay away from it. Easy as that as far as I'm concerned.