That screenshot is from the presto Opera (verson 12 and older).
The first two buttons and the reload button are like in every browser. The thirth is the fast forward button if I remember well and this is not currently present in the Chromium Opera. I don't know if they are going to implement that in the future, but I think it is not something they are currently looking at. It is present in Vivaldi though, but not in Opera.
The home button is also someting that Opera refuses to implement. There is a button now that will take you to the speed dial, but you can't set it to another page. This home button is requested since the first Chromium Opera build, but the devs don' t want to implement it it seems.
And as Opera currently don't support themes (or not some completely theming next to their dark theme in the beta build now) you really can't change much. The custumisation of Opera is very limited compared to what it was before or to Vivaldi.