About 10 days ago a malware "Your browser has been locked" created a new tab in my Opera browser and locked the browser allowing me to close it only with Task Manager. I have Malware Pro active on my PC as well as McAfee Security Suite. I manually ran both programs full scan to determine if I could locate the problems. After several uninstall Opera and reinstall Opera, rebooting each time, running Malware Pro and McAfee Security Suite again and again I went onto the internet for more suggestions. I downloaded and ran Adwcleaner, JRT, FRST64, along with Revo uninstall with advanced delete files in order to get rid of any remaining Opera links. I also contacted Malware and reported my problem and a technician was helping me last week. (I have an active trouble ticket but the Malware technician seems to have given up.) After all that I tried to reinstall Opera again, only to find that the malware tab is on the new program. I have deleted Opera again. I have Firefox, Chrome and IE on my PC and none of them are infected, or to be more accurate, none show signs of infection. ( By the way, I was having a problem opening a new thread before. I was told that the procedure should not be as I described. However, this time the thread information field(s) is/were different. This time there is only one general field to fill in, before there were several and places to fill in my OS data, etc.)