- Jun 24, 2016
- 2,483
How many times have you seen it? Or suffered it? It's the overkill disease and these are the most common forms in which they can be found:
- What else can I add to my setup? I currently have Kaspersky Total Security + VoodooShield Pro + OSArmor + Comodo Firewall (cruelsister settings!)
- What's a good antispyware to add to BitDefender Internet Security + MalwareBytes?
- Which anti phishing extension can I add to Chrome? Already have MalwareBytes Browser Extension, Webroot Security and Norton Extension.
We've been raised with a false sense of security, which is: the more, the better. WRONG.
We even affirm sometimes: if you're a novice user, then yes you need to install lots of programs. WRONG.
We shall be clear on this subject, since it's really a delicate matter: doesn't matter who you are or what you do, overkill is bad for your system.
There's no gain on triple antivirus, triple signatures, penta real time analysis software or fourty four anti-executables. Overkill murders the fun of an optimized system. Plus it doesn't protect you more.
Here's why:
We tend to believe, more security means less infection. Although this may be true, it shall be explained. When we say more security is better, reading between the lines is needed. More security means covering all weak points on a system: files execution, removable medias infections, browser attacks, exploits, information stealing, etc. You need to be sure all possible attacks against your system are covered. Good news, many programs on the market do this with one single product, called "SUITES", and generally under the names of Internet Security, Total Security. Suites like, for example, Kaspersky Total Security offer a great variety of modules, such as virtual keyboard for transactions, disk encryption, real time protection, parental control, signatures, anti-executable (variation from), and lots of extra modules. In most of the cases, novices (specially) and even experts, a well configured suite is all you need. Go add VoodooShield and OSArmor to Kaspersky Total Security. You'll find a super charged system, with two programs that literally do nothing, since their job is already done by the aforementioned suite.
When you wonder: I want the best protection for my needs, think not in "how many software should I have", but rather "which software can offer me all I need". Sometimes you will need to combine, that's true. But there's an unnecessary action on combining software with the same functions.
"Two antivirus is better since, if one misses something, the other one will catch it." - this type of thought will get you infected. You 100% rely on human-coded software. You're done.
Plus, as well, and the most important disadvantage on overkill: your system performance drop to the ground, for no real extra security.
"I prefer security over performance:" - you prefer a false sense of security, with an extra dose of unnecessary SSD writes.
When searching for your perfect security setup, stop thinking on how much you need to spend or how many softwares will you combine. Start thinking on your weak points. The easiest malware entrances.
Browser: isolate your browser. Use an ad-blocker. Phishing and malware protection when you surf. Block scripts and Java/Flash. Use a browser container like Sandboxie.
Removable media and autoruns: disable autoruns from all media.
Scripts and macros: disable Windows Script Host. Disable unneeded interpreters. Use an anti-executable.
Files and general downloads: use basic signatures, or maybe it's already cover by your browser isolation!
Backups: always have a data and system backup/image. Be always ready for the worse!
You're done.
See what we have done there? That's a minimum system impact and most weak points are covered.
We navigate through an insecure/hacked site? The browser is isolated, we're covered. We download an unsafe file? Covered by our security browser extension. We recieved a suspicious mail file? WSH is disabled. Oh, we even have an anti-executable that detected a file execution on AppData. We're safe. No need for a mountain of RAM eaters.
Do not miss the point. Don't kill your SSD and performance for a false sense of security. All barriers can be penetrated when you don't care about learning online security. Read. Learn. Teach. Basic three rules for a safe enviroment. There's always a last alternative if you don't want to learn. Use Umbra Total Security and just forget about any malware issue on your PC and all the PC 50KM around (even if they don't have it installed since it cleans systems over-the-air).
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