Any software that connects to internet has questionable privacy policy. Refining this theory, it's not exactly the privacy policy that's questionable, it's what user's think of privacy that's questionable.
yes your ideas are right.
but the important thing here is that privacy policy is not a positive or negative point for me if its a questionable thing, how it can be good or bad?! it could be but looks like almost users decided to choose it as a bad negative point which shown that people have bad feeling about an eye watching over their moves and it is a totally right thing i believe.
it is more questionable than that to decide ! anyway i don't think websites and internet related thing are not from world of trust.
its all about money i just decided to stick with things that have less price and payments for me both in cash funds and my time...
for enjoying a game or music the time which mostly ruined by viruses and antiviruses although i never seriously felt to an infection still i spent too much time on many security programs... nothing can make me satisfy at this point.
before i write this post i had free version of avira, for no good reason it's service host processes started to jump up and down in both ram and cpu usage which negatively affected my gaming experience in an offline game...and now its gone