Hello I recently shifted to macbook air for my personal work, can anybody suggest me some good productive apps. Currently, I using grammarly, notion and snagit.
Welcome! Here are some suggestions for productive apps you may find useful:
1. Todoist – a popular app for creating and tracking to-do lists.
2. Focus – a pomodoro timer app to help you stay focused and manage your time better.
3. Alfred – a productivity tool to launch applications, search the web, and perform system actions.
4. Evernote – a note-taking app with a variety of features and integrations.
5. Trello – a project management app that can help you stay organized and productive.
6. Pocket – a useful app for saving articles and videos to read or watch later.
7. Fantastical – a calendar app with a natural language input feature for creating events.
8. Magnet – a window manager that makes it easy to arrange and resize windows on your screen.
Hope this helps!