Reuters: Yahoo was snooping on user emails en masse


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Staff Member
Oct 23, 2012
As if the NSA/CIA/S.H.I.E.L.D./Sector 7 is interested by people like us and other average Joes...
They are not or is the FBI unless of course you have done something to get on their radar.
I have a couple Yahoo accounts but nothing worth stealing or seeing.However that is not really the point.
The point being that they obviously covered up a breach affecting almost 7% of the worlds population and the added a scoop of Governmental carte blanche access.
This probably should sink Yahoo like the Titanic.

Deleted member 178

All major American companies allow backdoor for the various agencies, they "deny" the fact to keep their customers, like the Apple drama , just staged to show they are not compliant. but a week later the FBI mysteriously found a way to get in ?! come on...

You want reduce spying on you, use services from countries other than yours; those countries don't care of you since you are a foreigner.

i smile when people keep deleting their yahoo account after the news, the damage are done already; also , they use keywords algorithm to detect suspicious mails, don't use those keywords , you won't even be scrutinized.
Terrorist don't even use those words , they use common sentences with underlying meanings:

example : "hey john, all am ready for next week party , the cake will be ready for her, i will deposit it as planned"

Tony Cole

Level 27
May 11, 2014
The problem is, if a Government get's a court order then there is very little the company can do. When Yahoo wants to set-up in different countries they have a adhere to the countries policies on surveillance, if not then they cannot operate in that region. The likes of Microsoft and Google who want to make mega bucks are certainly not going to pull out of a country just to make a point, nor would Apple.

ForgottenSeer 55323

yahoo was my main email before, i forgot my password and making a new email is not a good solution, because all my password resets for accounts link to that email, so i have no protection if my facebook ever gets hacked. :(:mad:


Level 11
Top Poster
Sep 28, 2015
As usual, it's always good advice to think before using something. Remember, you WILL be paying for it. With either MONEY or DATA. Nothing is free.

Yahoo won't jump through expensive legal hoops in order to defend freeloaders, why would they. Compliance doesn't cost them a dime.

That's why I'm also wary of Google, ultra-cheap VPNs, free proxies and the like.


Level 11
Top Poster
Sep 28, 2015
nor would Apple

Actually, I doubt that. Apple makes a killing with its products. They have no major interest in their customers' data. Others, like Google, do, since it's their ONLY source of revenue. Apple has nothing to lose but everything to gain by defending their customers, so that's what they do. It's all about the $$$, baby.
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Level 85
Honorary Member
Mar 15, 2011
Yahoo's services definitely reflects on the issues around, although I'm still using it but not a big deal.

Snooping is no longer a strong criminal act but rather selective only.


Level 4
Aug 23, 2016
Yahoo is not better or worst than any others email providers; all other claim to protect your privacy , but when seriously threatened by gov agencies, they will all comply secretly. in our modern world , there is no such thing as privacy.

Totally agree.

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