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- The Personal (Home Use) License for Sandboxie:
- Is personal and is not transferable into computers or electronic media that you do not own;
- But does permit you to use Sandboxie on any number of computers that you personally own;
- Covers the current version and all future versions of Sandboxie;
- Removes the nag screen that initially appears after you have used Sandboxie for more than 30 days;
- Enables the Forced Programs and Forced Folders features;
- Allows you to run programs in more than one sandbox at the same time (see message SBIE1303);
Reply to this thread reading the guidelines.eXPerience said:So I guess the obvious question is : how do we participate ?
easy..just go here : http://malwaretips.com/Thread-MalwareTips-com-Giveaway-Sandboxie and reply ..... to this question : How would you use the paid version of Sandboxie? ......... something like : I'll sandbox everyhting :lolz:...should do the job ... and that's it ...your in.eXPerience said:So I guess the obvious question is : how do we participate ?
We will use the /roll feature in the Chillax Room to giveaway the license keys...so me and bogdan won't be able to help you)Mr.Xidus said:If bogdan & Jack want to live in prosperity they will pick me as a winner xD
Jack said:We will use the /roll feature in the Chillax Room to giveaway the license keys...so me and bogdan won't be able to help you)
But +1 for the post :lolz:
If you win a license, you can register SBIE on as many computers thatTweak said:So how much is too much I wonder? My own desktop, laptop, & net-book, mom and dad have laptops (1 each) and a desktop...so six...six too many...lol.
bo.elam said:If you win a license, you can register SBIE on as many computers thatTweak said:So how much is too much I wonder? My own desktop, laptop, & net-book, mom and dad have laptops (1 each) and a desktop...so six...six too many...lol.
YOU own, that are your property not moms o dads.
Don't you have a VM for malware testing? .... although a SandboxIE can run the malware samples in a virtual enviroment...it doesn't really fulfill the requirements need it to run a proper malware test.win7holic said:I hope I will win a lincese for Sandboxie
I need it so much ,for malware testing .
Jack said:Don't you have a VM for malware testing? .... although a SandboxIE can run the malware samples in a virtual enviroment...it doesn't really fulfill the requirements need it to run a proper malware test.win7holic said:I hope I will win a lincese for Sandboxie
I need it so much ,for malware testing .
Good luck anyway...Good luck to all