- Mar 16, 2019
- 3,935
The issue is anti-viruses like AVG, Avast, Emsisoft, Eset, Mcafee don’t scan files when I enter into a folder. What I mean is, if in a folder there are few malwares with .exe extensions or else and I enter into the folder, the anti-viruses that I mentioned above don’t detect and remove them. Even if I single click on the malwares they do nothing. They only detects when I double click/scan them. I don’t understand why they comes with this settings by default. This surely improves computer performance by a little but this is wrong. AVG didn’t used to be like this. They used to scan files based on file extensions by default but after the AVAST accusition they became like AVAST. Shame. AVG and AVAST probably have options to scan all files on access or by file extensions but I didn’t find any on Eset maybe because I didn’t look thoroughly enough. Same goes for Emsisoft and stupid Mcafee doesn’t really give options to customize their settings. These are just the one’s I personally tested recently so I’m sure there are more Avs out there with similar default settings. Quality products like Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Norton and even built in Windows Defender scan all the files. If they don’t change this then AVG, Avast, Emsisoft, Eset, Mcafee are kind of useless to me. I uninstalled them immediately.
Let’s discuss this and if you know possible solutions to change this behavior of these avs then posting them would be very helpful.
Let’s discuss this and if you know possible solutions to change this behavior of these avs then posting them would be very helpful.