The Battle of Los Angeles

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Deleted member 178

It is true... They shot my spaceship, now I'm stuck on this planet full of paranoid monkeys , giving security advice for their lousy OS while collecting rudimentary CPUs to fix my navigation and interstellar communication systems... Will take ages before I reach the needed calculation power... Such a pain, when I will be able to contact my planet, I will tell them to nuke'em all... Damn savages...


Level 35
Top Poster
Jul 6, 2017
It's about frequencies. They have a frequency variance that allows a shift in and out of our sensory perception. Technology sufficiently advanced, about 400 years advanced of our current position in the Fibonacci technical curve. Sufficient enough to appear almost as paranormal to the untrained citizen but quite technical nevertheless. Factions range from tampering and vindictive, benign all of the way up to benevolent, depending.

Specific ambient microwaves facilitate closer interaction (negative or positive interaction) if those ranges of freqs are present, depending on the faction and their spectrum. A fairly advanced level of manipulation of the human sensory perception depending on those ambient freqs in the vicinity. Technology sufficient enough to illicit carrier/piggyback signals (HF) on existing lines/cables/cords that can carry a current to bypass virtually all traditionally known security measures but exceptionally easy to attenuate using (HF) filtration/attenuation.

Turning the HF into heat then disappointing it works somewhat decently. Kvar capacitance attenuation can help. Any impacted device can largely be protected by magnetic field concentration which increases inductance and therefore reactance. Concentrated magnetic fields are their kryptonite. It's sort of funny to see really advanced technology manipulating some specific device/thing be attenuated by snapping a $.99 ferrite bead onto the current carrying cable.

There of course are many people/govts/organizations/resistances that know the truth. (including the truth of the very dangerous non-terrestrials) But citizenry likes comfort and predictability. That comfort and predictability requires the need to contain knowledge/awareness of the truth situation (or plight to be honest) Ancient Alien's will give you a dabbling of truth stuffed into a ton of trash. (PS: The substantial rivers/ponds of mercury found under temples/pyramids isn't for power, it's to remove gold amalgamated among other substances)
Very good but in summary what do you mean ??


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018

These intrusions have been happening on a regular basis since 2014. Recently, unidentified aircraft have entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month, Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for office of the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told The Washington Post on Wednesday.

It's all pretty much real.

The End.
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Level 30
Top Poster
Aug 17, 2013
No matter if they are friendly, they best not have vast amounts of oil on their super ships. Because if they have then the US will have to go to war on this friendly alien race just in case they're secret terrorists from the future. And, of course confiscate their oil, ya' know just incase.

Imagine if we actually found intelligent life on Mars and before we could even introduce ourselves they shot the s**t out of us. Imagine some intergalactic counsel - Stay the f**k away from that marable looking planet earth they're insane! Just give them a few thousand years to wipe themselves out then we'll decide if we can lift the Earth ban lol. Random Counsel member: Just melt all that Ice and see if they want our help then.

On a serious note there have been so called Russian fighter jets flying over UK Military and nuclear bases for 4 or 5 years now. I suppose it's easier to tell the media they're Russian than tell them we've got beings flying craft way more advanced than ours just chilling in the Sky's over our Nuclear bases.


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
No matter if they are friendly, they best not have vast amounts of oil on their super ships. Because if they have then the US will have to go to war on this friendly alien race just in case they're secret terrorists from the future. And, of course confiscate their oil, ya' know just in case.

Imagine if we actually found intelligent life on Mars and before we could even introduce ourselves they shot the s**t out of us. Imagine some intergalactic counsel - Stay the f**k away from that marble looking planet earth they're insane! Just give them a few thousand years to wipe themselves out then we'll decide if we can lift the Earth ban lol. Random Counsel member: Just melt all that Ice and see if they want our help then.

Yep, yep, yep.... exactly. :)


ForgottenSeer 58943

They're here. The ability to suppress it is growing weak. Suppression is for containment of panic, and to keep the systems in place, which would largely collapse. The system is parasitical and functions by preying on the ignorance, weakness, lack of discernment which results in suppression of real science, advanced technology, medicine, cures, spiritual evolution and a plethora of other things. Religious dogma must be maintained, the money and control matrix has to be maintained. All of which would largely collapse once the truth comes out

After major UFO sightings the govt. always shows up. Helicopters, unmarked vehicles, men in suits with sunglasses scouring the area. I've seen it, so have a lot of other people. I think they are containment and suppression operations for the most part.

Side note: I have some pretty awesome new security cameras to augment my normal ones. These new ones detect distortion fields, subtle EM, and wave form fields. They pick up anything non-human (visible or otherwise) with absolute ease. That includes virtually anything that utilizes any sort of masking, distortion, frequency variances to move about. (and yes, that includes out of towners) Since I have these cameras, we can pretty much guarantee our govt. has far superior stuff, and can absolutely see such variances. So in the end, if I know for a fact, they also know for a fact. The question then might arise, what are they hiding and why? :unsure:


Level 22
Top Poster
Nov 19, 2012
If you look at how scientists are speaking right now you can easily infer that they already know of other forms of life. Just until few years ago scientists used deny vehemently that there could be any form of life out there other than us. But now for past few years you could hear every body speaking that there could be life in other parts of the Universe.
Actually they have been ordered to do so, so that people will get a little bit accustomed to Alien life.
And as for any form of life that's not friendly with us just think it like this, if some creatures can travel from so far so easily then they poses technology that can destroy us in seconds. But they are not doing that.
But I think there are some life forms that are not quite friendly with us but we are secure because there are others that are always protecting us.
The ancient texts all over that world say these things, everywhere its the same.


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
They're here. The ability to suppress it is growing weak. Suppression is for containment of panic, and to keep the systems in place, which would largely collapse. The system is parasitical and functions by preying on the ignorance, weakness, lack of discernment which results in suppression of real science, advanced technology, medicine, cures, spiritual evolution and a plethora of other things. Religious dogma must be maintained, the money and control matrix has to be maintained. All of which would largely collapse once the truth comes out

After major UFO sightings the govt. always shows up. Helicopters, unmarked vehicles, men in suits with sunglasses scouring the area. I've seen it, so have a lot of other people. I think they are containment and suppression operations for the most part.

Side note: I have some pretty awesome new security cameras to augment my normal ones. These new ones detect distortion fields, subtle EM, and wave form fields. They pick up anything non-human (visible or otherwise) with absolute ease. That includes virtually anything that utilizes any sort of masking, distortion, frequency variances to move about. (and yes, that includes out of towners) Since I have these cameras, we can pretty much guarantee our govt. has far superior stuff, and can absolutely see such variances. So in the end, if I know for a fact, they also know for a fact. The question then might arise, what are they hiding and why? :unsure:

I’m a gonna come clean on this Sly.

The reason this has been covered up so long…. Yes, this is a great threat to our civilization…

…it turns out that male space aliens have very large and oddly shaped but incredibly ‘effective’ penises.

The classified assessment indicates that our society could be disrupted in major ways, as many of our womenfolk would elect to go and stay with the aliens.

Indeed, in many of the alien abductions, the women have elected not to come back.

Have you noticed how it’s mostly men who get abducted and then are brought back. Of course the men -- their memory is wiped clean, and they are dumped back on the planet. But of course, the memory wipe is an imperfect process..... even the technologically superior space beings.

If you line your home completely with tin foil, that will usually avert home-based alien abductions.


Level 35
Top Poster
Jul 6, 2017
With all due respect to the United States. But I see the United States a little paranoid about aliens.
Why so scary if in the end the United States has the best superheroes in the world, do they have Spyderman Superman Batman? etc. Other countries do not have that.:)

ForgottenSeer 58943

If you line your home completely with tin foil, that will usually avert home-based alien abductions.

Velostat works much better than foil.

A couple possibilities I guess;

1) They are here, and there is active suppression of it. Who they are, where they come from, what frequency they exist in, all of that are open questions but not all that relevant in the big picture of it.
2) They aren't here. It's our own govt. with technology vastly superior to the old rubbish teach they pass down to citizenry.

I've seen plenty of unexplained craft. Erratic movements, rapid almost unconscionable acceleration. I've measured the results of their activity including a high degree of ambient ionization in areas where their craft are. (100,000-900,000 ions/cc). Some of them seem very adept at knowing when they've been spotted and taking evasive action or using clouds to cloak behind. My friend is retired from a govt. division whose purpose was to monitor unresolved craft coming into the planetary atmosphere, he was based on Ascension Island. (saying nothing more about that)

It could be, our govt. is simply scared for some pretty basic, logical reasons... It's something they can't control. It's something they can't do anything about. Govt's exist to deal with and control internal and external threats to citizens and if there is suddenly something that exists that they cannot control/deal with, then they know citizens will largely begin to question the purpose and reasoning for said government.
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Level 30
Top Poster
Aug 17, 2013
I think we have to ask ourselves if there are here who's to say it's them that don't want our governments informing the public and not necessarily or governments holding back. I think there here, but, I also think we, ourselves are testing more and more advanced tech for defense. And, if we are there will even be parts of higher ups in the government who have no idea what tech we have and what we're testing because let's not forget that physical spies are still a very real problem. So, sandboxing the testing of any advanced tech we have even from extremely important members of the governments and Army, Navy and airforce etc would make a lot of sense.

I just think the evidence that suggests that we have and continue to be visited by some kind of advanced civilisation is too overwhelming to ignore anymore. Maybe the evidence has always been overwhelming, but with how we're all connected via the web nowadays that evidence is more visible and it's gotten more and more people not only talking about it but researching the subject. Advanced civilisations could very well have the cures for many of our health and society problems, but there's Billions being made of medicine alone and no doubt companies who would go to great lengths to lean on the governments even if they wanted to disclose anything to us. There genuinely would be mass panic too and on a scale we've never seen so our governments would have to look into how they would even begin to handle that first. Not many people would trust and advanced race no matter how nice and, or helpful they were simply because they're more advanced than us and that is scary.


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
There is a rumor that @cruelsister (CS) is one of our womenfolk who has elected to stay with the aliens.

She was actually last seen here at MT in this thread. The aliens noticed CS talking about them in the thread, and paid her a visit.

Yes, it's *true* -- alien abduction caused us here at MT to lose CS. It's just wrong.

I have it from a high credibility super secret and important source -- I can't tell you who it is -- that CS elected to stay with the aliens based on a rationale stated previously in this thread. (It's ForgottenSeer 58943)

Maybe with alien advanced long range wireless technology, CS will start participating with us here again at MT.

I hope so.


Hero of the people. (And aliens)

ForgottenSeer 58943

Pretty sure there are no aliens out there but "Fallen Angels", Demons, Annuakis.

Possibly true. Some think one in the same, or variant of, etc. Some suspect they (aliens, demons, annuakis, etc) have a frequency variance with us, so with basic physical eyes nobody can see them. I know people that can see them, and it is nice to get scientific quantification of what they see from time to time. Others can sense/feel/hear/smell them I guess.

Regardless of what they are called (or origin), they exist and are absolutely nefarious in some cases, greatly impacting suppressing and harassing humanity in many cases. They're quite adept at hopping between vulnerable person to person, over technology AND infrastructure (bypassing most security but not immune to countermeasures), etc. If they latch on to someone they can quite readily cause serious mental issues in some cases. For example if Susie is worried about spiders and they wish to stoke this fear/anxiety/panic in Susie they will help orchestrate events around Susie to make the fear constantly be broadcast. Up to and including hopping into and influencing someone to talk/reinforce/converse about the specific fear. Susie for example may walk past a couple of people in the mall and right as she passes they say to each other "Did you hear? John died of a spider bite last week.". It's clever but really only catches people off guard that aren't woke.

Find a resistance group and join them.



Level 25
Top Poster
Jul 1, 2017
With all due respect to the United States. But I see the United States a little paranoid about aliens.
Why so scary if in the end the United States has the best superheroes in the world, do they have Spyderman Superman Batman? etc. Other countries do not have that.:)
Every reason to be paranoid because the aliens would expose how stupid we are.


Level 18
Top Poster
May 4, 2019
There is a rumor that @cruelsister (CS) is one of our womenfolk who has elected to stay with the aliens.

She was actually last seen here at MT in this thread. The aliens noticed CS talking about them in the thread, and paid her a visit.

Yes, it's *true* -- alien abduction caused us here at MT to lose CS. It's just wrong.

I have it from a high credibility super secret and important source -- I can't tell you who it is -- that CS elected to stay with the aliens based on a rationale stated previously in this thread. (It's ForgottenSeer 58943)

Maybe with alien advanced long range wireless technology, CS will start participating with us here again at MT.

I hope so.

View attachment 220255
Hero of the people. (And aliens)
She was posting on YouTube test clips of protection programs.


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
She was posting on YouTube test clips of protection programs.

Thanks Correlate.

And that proves it!

CS is now able to utilise alien advanced long range wireless technology.

It's working.

I welcome her return 'home' here at MT.


This is Trump talking to CS's new boyfriend about the upcoming false flag alien invasion of earth.

The nature and rationale of the false flag operation has leaked.

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