I guess this is what Tavis Ormandy from Google's project zero has been talking about for some time now, malware taking advantage of vulnerabilities in AV's. It makes total sense and would be very lucrative for hackers as AV's have very deep hooks into the OS, so they are prime for exploitation. I wonder if the AV was sandboxed if the malware could still get though? Be interesting to see if the like of WD being sandboxed would have mitigated this? I'm curious to see if other AV's will start sandboxing their programs to help prevent their products from being exploited due to un-patched vulnerabilities.
Not to goo too far off topic, but I was listening to a Security Now podcast a while ago when MS announced that they were sandboxing WD and Steve Gibson mentioned that only MS would ever be able to successfully implement a sandbox for the AV, i guess due to the way the OS works. Is this the case that no other company can successfully do this as well, or does it mean that they have to some how take advantage of appcontainer to sandbox their product like the browsers due?