I tested both products the last month and they are running smoothly. The latest version of Trend Micro feels lighter then previous versions. F-secure is in some cases weaker in detecting malwarelinks compared to Trend Micro.
With F-secure I had an issue with Deepguard. It keeps blocking MS Office. With Trend Micro I had an issue with installing the Firefox extension.
F-secure has few options. A good thing for some people: it is set and forget. Trend Micro has a little more options.
If you compare prices, Trend Micro is cheaper.
Both are very close in total detection rate:
F-secure: 84.44%
Trend Micro: 85.20 %
The percentages contain the results from 2020 by the well known anti-virustestlabs and my own test (2000 malware-phishing links, 29 ransomwares, 217 old virus samples and around 30 recent samples. Not a lot of samples compared to the real world but it is a start

I hope this will help you.