Website updated today. Added more protection to firefox-common.profile. Added dpkg-divert commands so that our configurations do not get overwritten by updates. Removed 'firefox' from 'apparmor firefox' in firefox-common.profile. Fortified Ubuntu: hardening Ubuntu 24 Desktop
I prefer to search for Live data myself: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) . Oval relies on old static data available on the ubuntu server: . I suspect it only reports Patched vulnerablities, because all of the items in that list says 'patch'. There has to be some undergoing evaluation, and some that have undergone evaluation and are rated unimportant and so on. Imho, it is more useful to see what a potential attacker sees when he is doing reconnaissance.
On the other hand ubuntu's site revealed things I have missed when doing my searches. Ubuntu knows the complete list of components that are in use in it's releases. I need to be more careful and expand my searching. That oval report is good for people who need to do extensive testing before patching and are forever behind in patching. I don't have any custom applications that requires me to do testing. Ubuntu's own testing is good enough for me.
Canonical provides Ubuntu Pro with 10 years of enhanced CVE patching, FIPS compliance, CIS and DISA-STIG profiles and enterprise-grade open source software security with a single subscription for open source supply chain provenance.
On the Ubuntu Pro page,, if you scroll down, under Looking to learn more, you will find a link to the Tutorial page, I think that page gives you all the information that you need.
On the Ubuntu Pro page,, if you scroll down, under Looking to learn more, you will find a link to the Tutorial page, I think that page gives you all the information that you need.