App Review Webroot SecureAnywhere 2024

It is advised to take all reviews with a grain of salt. In extreme cases some reviews use dramatization for entertainment purposes.
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Level 2
Jun 27, 2014
So further to this post I have to announce that I will not be able to test the beta as anytime soon. I registered on the Webroot forum and commented on a post that stated Webroot UI is now tired and needs updating. I mentioned that the green, gradient-filled circle with checkmark is very old, it was modern in the days of Norton 360 and TuneUP Utilities 2010.
Today, I am finding myself banned from the Webroot community — I am a paying user as well.

Webroot is not welcoming user feedback. Another Comodo (paid one). That explains a lot. In contrast, I provided 3-4 recommendations to Check Point and they were all implemented in months.
That's weird! I've just gone to the Webroot Forum and seen that a newly registered Webroot Forum member by the name of pandonus has commented in the Ideas section that the UI is old and needs updating:
Not all Ideas get upvoted (I put in one not so long ago and it got zero upvotes 😳) but this one has got upvoted by all three of the Webroot Forum venerable stalwarts (TripleHelix, ProTruckDriver and Jasper_the_Rasper) and also by a Webroot Forum regular poster jhartnerd123. Not at all surprising really, as the idea that the Webroot UI is very old is completely uncontroversial (personally it doesn't bother me as, as far as I'm concerned, it works fine, but seeing from the upvotes to the Idea, it looks as if I'm in a minority on that one!!).

Incidentally, I see a sixth poster, yourself, who has also upvoted the Idea so your newly created account seems to be still active. i've sent a PM to you on the Webroot Forum to double-check that your account is still active. Please do feel free to respond. I'm wondering if this has to do with the, I don't know what to call it, the Webroot AI bots that flag any posts they don't like for some strange, inscrutable reason and send them to some kind of pending folder where they then eternally languish. This can be quite annoying and it has already happened to me several times. Each time it was TripleHelix who unlocked them. I know you folks are not altogether hunky dory with nor have very warm vibes towards TripleHelix 😂, but sending a PM to TripleHelix might be the quickest and simplest way of getting your post released from this folder and properly posted.

I'm curious to hear if my above theory is what actually heppened, so do keep us posted, Trident.


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
I am not familiar with the Webroot bots, but I see this:


As for the mod, no feelings towards this folk. Never heard of him in my life 😅😂
But my feelings for Webroot are… not endearing, to say the least.
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Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
Weird! Maybe you should reach out to @TylerM, the Webroot Community Manager, with a PM to get further information on what happened?

TripleHelix is a guy I get on fine with, but who just isn't very popular on this Forum here.
I can not log-in at all… Unable to message anyone.
They probably checked on my posts here and decided to block me there. Very mature.


Level 2
Jun 27, 2014
Well, thinking about it since I just posted, there has been some terrible trolling activity in the past by posters from this Forum towards Webroot. For example on Wilders, several got banned for this (it's rare for Wilders to ever ban posters). Early on when I first registered here, I found that any positive post I made about Webroot got mercilessly trolled. Some of the language was pretty gross and I got pretty bruised. In fact, when I even raised the temperature a little bit in my posting, I was almost banned here although my language was (imo) much milder than some of the trolling I was receiving. Since then, the MalwareTips moderators have changed their tone somewhat and gave a subtle signal that trollers here should refrain from their trolling, and the message (fortunately) got through loud & clear. But yes, given this history, I can understand that the Webroot Forum managers might want to keep well away from anything to do with MalwareTips and MalwareTips users, preferring pre-emptive action to destructive trolling. Plus TripleHelix has some weight on the Webroot Forum and he got pretty badly trolled on this Forum, so he might have something to do with it (I'm not sure of that, it's only speculation, but if so I wouldn't blame him given the history).


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
I am not sure what the history with Webroot and MalwareTips is, I am unable to find ProTruckDriver for example, who’s literally everywhere so I’m guessing something’s happened.

This forum has a lot of knowledgeable members who don’t tolerate fairytales such as “our software is great but users don’t understand it and testing organisations don’t get it right”. This reminds me once again of Comodo, whose owner was crying for years to get his software tested and upon failure went around crying how wrong testing bodies are.
We know very well what’s good and what’s not and we tend to provide evidence.

I can’t justify Webroot’s action of blocking a paid user (obviously one asking for refund too). I merely provided feedback that elements of the UI were modern >10 years ago and added screenshots as evidence.
Webroot’s actions can be considered as muting and censorship.
I can accept weak protection, nobody gets that perfect. But this sort of attitude towards users providing their feedback is honestly ridiculous.


Level 10
Jul 3, 2024
Plus TripleHelix has some weight on the Webroot Forum
TripleHelix got booted from the Webroot community because he trolled any criticism of Webroot mercilessly. Him and his sidekick Baldrick caused so much trouble that Webroot lost credibility. TripleHelix, Baldrick and others harassed, belittled, and did everything imaginable to discredit ANY criticism of Webroot's product - even that which was irrefutable. Valid bug reports were also mercilessly trolled by TripleHelix, Baldrick, and the other sidekicks.

Someone at Webroot let him back onto the community?


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
Unprofessionalism is in everything this company does. On one single page, once this module is called WRYES, then it’s called WYRES. No explanations provided and unable to find a recent patent to link it to. Not sure what it is.

TripleHelix, Baldrick and others harassed, belittled, and did everything imaginable to discredit ANY criticism of Webroot's product - even that which was irrefutable.
They think they are doing Webroot a huge favour, in reality, bugs remain and people just move away, cancelling their licences. In the long run, what they cause is loss of revenue and nothing else. And I am surprised such people are allowed to interact on the Webroot forum — I personally would say goodbye to them if I’m a community manager.


Level 1
Apr 7, 2022
i can understand the reservations here ....many webroot tests give results that are all over the place but still av.lab poland rates WR as good as any other on their tests consistently . it's the same test for all the competitors .....see latest test on av.lab . i wish we had a test on MT where webroot could do well to give me some confidence against that doubt . using kaspersky right now .
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Level 10
Jul 3, 2024
They think they are doing Webroot a huge favor, in reality, bugs remain and people just move away, cancelling their licenses. In the long run, what they cause is loss of revenue and nothing else. And I am surprised such people are allowed to interact on the Webroot forum — I personally would say goodbye to them if I’m a community manager.
Regardless of the product, so much that is reported by "outsiders" on the Webroot community is dismissed outright.

The typical TripleHelix response is "It is working perfectly for me so you must be the problem and not Webroot." Next Baldrick will jump-in. Then followed by the other sidekicks. I have never seen such overzealous fanboism and protectionism lorded over a product by a mob anywhere on the web. For decades they have been permitted to viciously harass, belittle, dismiss, mock, discredit, and censor anything said about the Webroot product they did not like and personally attack anyone who said it. That community is the worst. You are either a fanbois and join the mob in their Webroot echo chamber or you are an "outsider" that does not belong there.

One rule was - not sure if it still the same - "No public bug reports" on the Webroot community. LOL, now there is only one reason that would be a rule. The enforcers of that rule are TripleHelix, Baldrick, and the other mob members.

To get bugs reported and fixed was 100 times more difficult than any Comodo bug reported on that forum.

TripleHelix was booted off the Webroot community years back at the direction of a Webroot executive. Evidently someone complained about him to a senior executive or CEO. That executive listened and did an investigation and he booted TripleHelix. TH whined and complained about it on Wilders about how he was so unfairly treated given his long "service" to Webroot.

My guess is that the executive at Webroot that made that decision left and hence TripleHelix was able to get back onto the community and rise again.

The Webroot product is actually decent in the hands that know how to configure it, know what bugs it has, and know how its features work and therefore how to properly use them. A user will not get those infos from the product manual, online videos, etc.


Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
@bazang , I almost maxed the product out (the only more stringent configuration could’ve been to disable execution of non-verified code, similar to Avast hardened mode. The product missed many threats. Even though they were put under supervision and I waited more than 20 minutes, there was no reaction. Protection is so so.

But the bigger problem is, I got censored as well. I just signed up and had 1 post!

I’ve never seen such a hostile community.


Level 39
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
Unprofessionalism is in everything this company does. On one single page, once this module is called WRYES, then it’s called WYRES. No explanations provided and unable to find a recent patent to link it to. Not sure what it is.

They think they are doing Webroot a huge favour, in reality, bugs remain and people just move away, cancelling their licences. In the long run, what they cause is loss of revenue and nothing else. And I am surprised such people are allowed to interact on the Webroot forum — I personally would say goodbye to them if I’m a community manager.
I vaguely recall Webroot invited TripleHelix to their office (_) to give him an award or give him some "title" like product ambassador or something like that... once upon a time...


Level 10
Jul 3, 2024
I’ve never seen such a hostile community.
You can check this post from 2018, but it looks like TH is fully supporting Webroot. IIRC he was angry because he wanted his rules to apply to a situation that he caused on the Webroot community - which he, Baldrik, and the Webroot Thug mob were doing for years - but was told that the forum belonged to Webroot and not to him. He got angry and left. I bet he was not gone for more than a month or two.

I vaguely recall Webroot invited TripleHelix to their office (_) to give him an award or give him some "title" like product ambassador or something like that... once upon a time...
He actually did programming for them at one point IIRC. With the product it was advertised as having a firewall but then the firewall controls in the product were "greyed out." TH, Baldrick and the usual group of Webroot Thugs gave all kinds of reasons why it was so. I filed complaints with the Colorado State Attorney General's Office and The Federal Trade Commission against Webroot for false advertising - and bazang! - all of sudden it got "fixed" = the controls were enabled. I think he is the one that made "the fix."

The Webroot fanbois thug mob chimpout on the Webroot Community about those firewall controls was something else.


The reason Webroot discussions are not active here at MT is largely the result of TH's, Baldrick's, and others' behaviors.

The fact that Webroot hides its community from public view, the fact that "publicly posted bug reports are not allowed," the fact that "testing results" are not allowed, etc, etc, etc - it is all for one purpose and one purpose only - to control the discussion (censor what is not liked) and thereby control the narrative of the product.

Webroot has lost a lot of credibility and made itself unwelcome on a LOT of forums. So your general complaint about "being viciously assailed here at MT" has nothing to do with you personally. However, it does have a lot to do with the way that Webroot and its non-employee "ambassadors" have behaved towards even the slightest criticism. In their Clown World, they do not even want "outsiders" making bug reports. C'mon man. That is just ridiculous and it is no wonder Webroot has a notorious reputation here and other places. Instead, as is typical, the narrative from the Webroot side is that they and their "ambassadors" are not the problem - everybody else is.
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Level 12
Mar 17, 2023
You can check this post from 2018, but it looks like TH is fully supporting Webroot. IIRC he was angry because he wanted his rules to apply to a situation that he caused on the Webroot community - which he, Baldrik, and the Webroot Thug mob were doing for years - but was told that the forum belonged to Webroot and not to him. He got angry and left. I bet he was not gone for more than a month or two.

He actually did programming for them at one point IIRC. With the product it was advertised as having a firewall but then the firewall controls in the product were "greyed out." TH, Baldrick and the usual group of Webroot Thugs gave all kinds of reasons why it was so. I filed complaints with the Colorado State Attorney General's Office and The Federal Trade Commission against Webroot for false advertising - and bazang! - all of sudden it got "fixed" = the controls were enabled. I think he is the one that made "the fix."

The Webroot fanbois thug mob chimpout on the Webroot Community about those firewall controls was something else.


The reason Webroot discussions are not active here at MT is largely the result of TH's, Baldrick's, and others' behaviors.

The fact that Webroot hides its community from public view, the fact that "publicly posted bug reports are not allowed," the fact that "testing results" are not allowed, etc, etc, etc - it is all for one purpose and one purpose only - to control the discussion (censor what is not liked) and thereby control the narrative of the product.

Webroot has lost a lot of credibility and made itself unwelcome on a LOT of forums. So your general complaint about "being viciously assailed here at MT" has nothing to do with you personally. However, it does have a lot to do with the way that Webroot and its non-employee "ambassadors" have behaved towards even the slightest criticism. In their Clown World, they do not even want "outsiders" making bug reports. C'mon man. That is just ridiculous and it is no wonder Webroot has a notorious reputation here and other places. Instead, as is typical, the narrative from the Webroot side is that they and their "ambassadors" are not the problem - everybody else is.
I still have I think 8 Webroot 2012/3 boxes I got from Staples where they were basically giving it away at $4/box. I originally got 10 of them and used them for 2 years but on top of ESET. Initially WEBROOT was considered more like an add on AV than a full fledged one since it was born from PREVEX which was an addon protection. it was it very light. However it used to create an ungodly large file (I forgot what it was called) and I had to clear that folder up every week or so. That file was a few gigs in size.

I think the UI hasn't changed since 2012 (looking at it now).

As per the Polish AV tests....don't get me wrong....they are doing great job...but that 100% (I think) detection from few months ago really really REALLY made me reconsider their results.
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Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
As per the Polish AV tests....don't get me wrong....they are doing great job...but that 100% (I think) detection from few months ago really really REALLY made me reconsider their results.
Webroot never had any luck with tests historically and was always at the bottom of them. The community had various “technical explanations”, including but not limited to “tests are not optimised to work with Webroot protection model”.


Level 12
Mar 17, 2023
Webroot never had any luck with tests historically and was always at the bottom of them. The community had various “technical explanations”, including but not limited to “tests are not optimised to work with Webroot protection model”.
Well Polaks did manage to capture Enigma and gave their first crack at it before passing it on to Brits due to Germany being on their heels, so who knows maybe they somehow figured out how to use Webroot as the webroot gods intended?
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Level 34
Top Poster
Feb 7, 2023
Well Polaks did manage to capture Enigma and gave their first crack at it before passing it on to Brits due to Germany being on their heels, so who knows maybe they somehow figured out how to use Webroot as the webroot gods intended?
The product doesn’t have multitude of settings, one can go through the manual and the settings window in no more than 5 minutes. I don’t see rocket science there. Furthermore, protection software that requires you to master godly ways to use it before it can do its job… not sure if there is any benefit of it.


Level 12
Mar 17, 2023
The product doesn’t have multitude of settings, one can go through the manual and the settings window in no more than 5 minutes. I don’t see rocket science there. Furthermore, protection software that requires you to master godly ways to use it before it can do its job… not sure if there is any benefit of it.
oh I know I've used it, their whole isolation setting or whatever it was called that allowed you to monitor and isolate program, didn't do much. I was only poking fun at the fact that "no one understands how it actually works in order to test it" bit of their spiel. Although they were one of the first corporations to employ the cloud AI learning for their system whilst creating a very light front end so I give them that.

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