What is a Basic Security Setup?

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in memoriam
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Top Poster
Jun 21, 2014
Hello, after talking with some friends that also work in computer security, I wanna ask you guys what do you think about the "basic security", in past you only needed a decent AV now I feel like you need more then just an antivirus. I feel like now you need: AV, Adblocker, sandbox or something similar (shadow defender, toolwiz time freeze). What are your thoughts ?


Level 7
Nov 7, 2014
Antiexecutable+antiexploit+adblocker+virtualization+virustotal uploader. nothing i need more. antimalware products with realtime scanners are outdated and not realy effective for me. vitualization is the future i thing.
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Level 14
Feb 5, 2012
A basic setup for me includes:

a. AV (freeware is fine --Avast, Avira etc)
b. Firewall (--Comodo Firewall free -- setup taking a hint from Umbra/hjlbx)
c. Anti-Executable / Anti-Exploits
d. Adblockers
e. Sandboxie -- depending on the user (--he can drop this off in lieu of Comodo, though virtualization/sandboxing requires a bit of practice for the normal first-time user)

Deleted member 178

Check Umbra's Concept of Layered Config, the layered marked as important are a must-have.

Now with Win8/10 , you need nothing else than their built-in security (Windows Defender in win10 is quite powerful with the AMSI feature, Win10 firewall as well), of course safe habits are a must-do.

basically, the average user needs at least:

- an Anti-virus
- a Firewall
- an anti-exploit (included in browsers or in a standalone product)

Sandboxes and other virtualization have to be very simple to use for the average user to pretend being in a "basic" setup. Actually it is not yet the case since you have to specify folders/files to exclude.

Default/deny apps (anti-exec, HIPS, etc...) are out of reach of the average users despite what the developers could say. (put an HIPS on a average user system , and you will have a call after 30mn)

to be short, "basic" is dependent of the user's knowledge in computing and security. lower the knowledge , simpler the setup as to be.

what i usually do when i setup a system for very beginners is to format their system, do a clean backup , install a simple AV (like Avira/Avast if not on Win8/10) then advise them to save and sync their important works in the cloud (drpbox, onedrive, whatever).
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Deleted member 2913

Now with Win8/10 , you need nothing else than their built-in security (Windows Defender in win10 is quite powerful with the AMSI feature, Win10 firewall as well), of course safe habits are a must-do.

basically, the average user needs at least:

- an Anti-virus
- a Firewall
- an anti-exploit (included in browsers or in a standalone product)

what i usually do when i setup a system for very beginners is to format their system, do a clean backup , install a simple AV (like Avira/Avast if not on Win8/10) then advise them to save and sync their important works in the cloud (drpbox, onedrive, whatever).
So on Win 10 you recommend Win Defender or third party AV for average users?

If Windows Updates & software, etc... are kept up-to-date on the system... should one install Anti-Exploit?


Level 85
Honorary Member
Mar 15, 2011
In such careful analysis, when we say basic then it depends.

1) A pretty decent AV may still remain as a primary protection with hardening the account privileges.

2) An automatic time machine (virtualization) for a novice users who just use for surfing, an AV is optional
at the case but web protection and adblocker is a must.

But adding Anti-Executable needs a thorough maintainance unless supervise to the novice user on that setup.

Overall, a basic setup deals with AV and Virtualization. Most of small scale business follows that standard setup which isn't bad. ;)


The title can seem very misleading, as Basic means just what it states "Bare Minimum".. Now are we asking for a bare minimum for a novice user "that you do not visit very often and would leave them on their own" or are we asking a bare minimum for medium to advanced users that do things most novices do not on their systems "hence my first reply in this thread. The question would have to be more specific in order to not have so many different opinions and answers based on several different users level of knowledge.


Level 12
Jan 22, 2014
For me, basic security means:
- ad blocker (ublock).
- AV like windows defender.
- application white list (anti exe, avast hardened mode, Windows included systems like applocker)
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