Many years ago I decided to try myself as an antivirus tester.
One user from the Russian forum sent me an archive with 1100 viruses, where there were both completely new ones and viruses from a month ago. I installed an antivirus, then tested it for phishing, for web protection about surfing on malicious sites, and then for viruses from the archive. Tested Kaspersky, Avast, and then decided to test Eset. Eset performed well in protecting against phishing, after which I began testing web protection.
The situation with malicious sites was also good, the antivirus blocked everything, and I decided to have a real hardcore - turn off the ad blocker and click on all the ads in a row, which only I get in the browser. I began to click on all the flashing banners, on some advertisements for cream, on naked flashing aunts with cellulite, and so on.
And then I clicked on a banner that said - "This news will shock you!". I clicked to shock me... And I was transferred to some news site, from which I was immediately transferred to some other news site, and then again transferred to a third site, on which a huge banner appeared with the inscription " Shocking news" and the "Agree" button. I pressed the button...
And I was shocked! I was shocked by the cynicism of the people who do this, because as "news" they wrote an outright blasphemy against one deceased singer (allegedly she is alive and well, although she actually died of cancer and even the funeral was shown on TV). But not only that, by clicking on the "I agree" button, I subscribed to the daily mailing list of such "news", and since I used the mobile Internet (USB 3G-modem), 30 rubles (0.5 euros) were immediately withdrawn from my account, and I subscribed to something to shoot the same amount daily, in exchange for their crazy "news". It was impossible to disable the subscription even through the personal account of the mobile operator. It was possible to unsubscribe only by coming to the office of the mobile operator and through the entrance to the personal account from their office computer. I went to the office the same day. When I stood in line at the mobile operator's office, there were several other people with the same problem (one of the users managed to subscribe to 10 such "news" sites and paid 5 euros daily for six months).

Since then, I have not tested antiviruses.