I think MS are doing a great job with WD - MS has unrivalled telemetry from millions of users esp using 10 & for most WD is a good choice & i'll probably recommend friends to use it instead of alternatives - For me as with most things MS supplies with Windows 10 the deliberate (and needed for most) lack of control is what I dislike which is why I usually use alternatives to most MS supplied modules. I can't ever see the day arriving that I will personally use WD no matter how good it is - I don't mind paying a reasonable amount for alternatives if it gives me some kind of control - Competition is always a good thing & if this applies pressure to other AV vendors that's good.
You make a very good point!
This is one of the reasons as to why I always try to tell people to try products for themselves and see what they think. What I like may not necessarily be what you like and that totally OK. There are so many great options/ways to stay secure that I don't see the need for this back and forth that happens at times (generally speaking). It's one of the reasons as to why I'm not overly fond of A vs B threads as often it turns into a popularity contest, rather than being helpful. Choosing the product that gets the most recommendations may not necessarily be the right option for you. Most products have a trial option and if you are deciding which one to use, use the trials and see for yourself. I really try to emphasize that people should use what ever they like and works best for them and their needs. That combined with safe practices will pretty much keep you safe.
I haven't read all the comments yet (I'm going to do that now) I just point out something
@Andy Ful Said in another thread because he made a very good point - If people don't believe the results for Windows/Microsoft defender in these AVTEST results then they can't trust the results for their favourite product too.
Your a total Fanboy!
hehe just kidding.
I agree with everything you said, especially when highlighting what
@Andy Ful said in another thread.
To be honest, this is one of my sources of frustration at times, people cherry picking results and tests. It's ok if your a little skeptical initially, especially when a product hasn't done well in the past, but as is the case for WD, it has been performing at a consistent level for a while now and it's just not with one testing organization. So, I think it's safe to say that it has indeed improved quite a bit. Same goes for any product really, just because a product has done poorly in the past, doesn't mean that it has to remain there forever and isn't allowed to improve. I mean no one had any issues with AV-comparatives or AV test in the past when WD was scoring around 70-75%, but all of a sudden it's in the high 90's-100%, ohh this test is rigged, fake, MS paid them for that result, etc...
If you are going to flat out disregard any test result because you didn't like that WD, or another product scored high, well then you have to disregard the result for your favorite product also, because it's either all the test results for all products are wrong, or they are right. There's no, well this result for this product is ok, but that result is wrong. The results are the results, good and bad. I also think it's hard to compare tests to one another because their methodology and the malware used will be different. If a test is testing everything, web protection and all, you cannot necessarily compare it to a test from the HUB lets say, because the HUB doesn't test web protection, so it's not as easy to compare them directly.
Lastly, it's really about understanding the results and what they mean. For example. WD tends to score high in FP on AV-compartaives, but most other organizations it does very well with FP's. When one takes the time to understand the results, one would see that AV-comparatives includes a chart with the break down of where the FP's occurred, programs with low prevalence, medium, high etc... If one looks, they would see that the vast majority of FP's occur in the very low to low category for WD, meanwhile Medium and High it does very well. All some people see and comment on however is the total number on the graph, not the FP chart.
Anyways that's enough of my rambling hehe, just remember all tests for all products should be taken with a grain of salt anyways. Try products for yourself and use which ever you like the best.