For baseline security Windows Defender Antivirus is raising the bar for third-party vendors to keep on improving their products. However one major advantage for Windows Defender Antivirus (Windows 10), is it has No visible Ads or Upsell prompts (ie. "Upgrade to Internet Security for Complete Protection").
Yes, you must agree to the Microsoft Terms and Privacy Policy.
This is the most important post in this thread IMO. Basically, all Microsoft is doing is raising the bar for third party paid applications. Nothing more, nothing less. Also, WD is quite heavy, and based on it's large threat surface it's going to be the most exploited game in town. Also, I doubt M$ can keep it on top for all that long because M$ is a fickle company that changes focus with the prevailing winds.
Over the next 5 years or so we'll see major players exit the market or consolidate. We'll see other products change focus. With WD becoming almost acceptable to use it's going to be a catalyst to drive major change and improvements in the industry as a whole.
Similar to how American's were plagued with the worst reliable, fuel guzzling, unsafe vehicles in the world for a long time because the Big Three had a stranglehold on the market, not through quality but through lobbying, political buy outs, tariffs, collusion and outright sabotage. But once the big overseas players got into the market it drove the Big Three to put out good vehicles, but it was tough early on as many of the bloated big three firms required government rescue until they understood a simple fact - they need to stop making trash.
I predict the same thing for the AV market. They don't have Linux, they know Android/iOS is a lost cause, Chromebooks they are irrelevant. That leaves Windows, and with WD becoming acceptable, nobody is going to tolerate bugs, bloat and trash suites... IF you want to know why BD2020 is so much improved, and Symantec/Norton are having a fire sale, there's your answer.