The problem is that you cannot compare anything.

Even Leo does not believe in the results and admits that Defender somewhat blocked the already executed ransomware. I do not know any serious testing Lab, that could consider using such a "mass infection" scenario in any test. There are also several other differences between Leo's method and reliable testing:
These videos have nothing to do with the ability to compare AVs, except showing how the tested AVs can react to executed samples. Leo uses his automated method because other methods are not possible in the YouTube video. But, this cannot make a video to be a reliable comparison test.
The funny thing is that Leo never said that his tests can reliably show differences between AVs. He simply shows what is happening and makes some unclear comments that follow from his opinions (not proven by the test). Only the people who watch these videos take these presentations as reliable comparison tests.
Sometimes the results in his videos are similar to the results of AV testing Labs and this also does not make the videos even a little bit more reliable (as a comparison test).
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