Hi all,
I’ve just released version of Windows Repair Toolbox. Here's what changed:
- WRT will now check if the tools have new versions available. If yes, it will ask if you want to download it, otherwise it will immediately run the existing copy.
- The “Download All” button on the Settings tab has been replaced with an “Update All” button. Instead of deleting all the downloads, and then download everything again; it will only download the tools that still haven’t been downloaded and update those that are outdated.
- Several improvements to the management of the downloads have been made.
- The portable version of Windows Repair Toolbox is now the main version for download in the website.
- The “Reset To Defaults” function, in the "Settings" tab, has been simplified, and will now not affect anything in the “Custom Tools” tab.
- Fixed an error that would sometimes occur with some tools when changing WRT from a 64-bits OS to a 32-bits OS ("
The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform").
- Fixed: some tools would keep a copy of their previous versions after being updated.
- Replaced “BATExpert” with “BateryInfoView”.
- Replaced “Check Flash” with the built-in “Windows Memory Diagnostics” (for the sake of completeness of the hardware section, that was missing a RAM diagnostic tool).
- Replaced “Don’t Sleep” with “DDU” (Display Driver Uninstaller).
- Several other minor improvements and fixes.
If you're using a previous version of WRT it's recommended that you uninstall it / delete it before changing to this new version.
In order to save your customizations (icon, title, added programs, custom.xml...), just backup the following folders:
Windows_Repair_Toolbox\Downloads\Custom Tools
...and restore them to the same locations afterwards.
As always, your feedback is welcome.
Thank you!