Hi, I don't know if you recall this post:
Hi Dhruv2193: I can hopefully answer... ... Also, I've tried higher Defender settings in past like enabling CFA--it drives me NUTS. Much rather would rely on SysHardener and Group Policy. ... :cool: You can use high settings and disable CFA. It causes many users to go crazy, even myself. Now...
I remembered it all too well. I wanted to tell you that after one year, you were very accurate in your assessment. It was under-performing--quite a bit--but I didn't know at the time what the problem was or how to address it. Several hardware scans failed to yield any clues so I let the matter go. It turns out, the motherboard was slowly going south and with it, the power supply was gradually weakening also.
I now have this very same gpu (GTX 1080 FE), in my new system-- it's bench-marking a whole lot better than it did a year ago, residing in a new mainboard, with a more powerful PSU.
Thank you for your excellent observation, it was right on the money!