App Review A Comodo Firewall Beta 2 Quick Dance

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Level 14
Jun 12, 2023
Although Comodo seems cool, I think it’s main purpose of containment is outdone by others.

I’d rather run a Kaspersky default deny setup than run Comodo. Same thing with better detection.
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ForgottenSeer 103564

Im not going to debate this any more, do what you think right for users looking. I know "right" is such a loosely used term now days, as all others care about are themselves, they do not wish for change, they continue to do as always, and if they dont like something they drug it into smithereens. Such is the reality we live in now days, where loyalty is misused for the wrong reasons and doing unto others consists of as long as it doesn't get difficult than its all about me, as long as i get mine, those promotions or lining the pocket, it is literally the mindset now days. How hard is it to consider others. In one of my first posts, i ask, how would you feel if you influenced one right into a couple hundred dollar repair job at their local bestbuy.

Stop looking in the mirror and look at the facts, its a advanced application with advanced settings, designed to lock a system down well beyond. Not rocket science folks for real. I did not ever say anything bad about the product, even when defending the fact its been buggy since way back. So why all the hubbub about "don't you dare talk about my favorite product like that"


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
Comodo is not install and forget, you had to follow someone else's instructions, meaning you could not configure it yourself,
I just installed CF over previous, so far so good. :D
Agree, eg, that I for one found that I had to follow "someone else's instructions" ie cruelsister's (several years ago). Her video(s) with text make the configuration of the several CF settings simple enough for me to follow, IMO if the "average" user could not follow her video instructions, then most likely that user is below average. But agree with Ultimate Vision and Chuck57 to the extent that average user would not go looking to use CF. Any guest reading MT would soon understand that CF generates pros & cons from folks. Also assume most guests here do not consider themselves experts, that's why they're reading here. Unclear (to me) why some folks consider CF "dangerous" enough to post continuous "warnings" while I find other apps, more dangerous -- Avast has never run well for me, Eset Premium ate my win firewall this year, AppGuard gave me headaches, Acronis ate my hdd (once upon a time)... o_O (40 years later running software that works for me :whistle:)
WARNING to all you average users: learn how to use a reliable backup first. Learning how to maximize MS Defender 2d.


Level 13
Top Poster
Oct 22, 2018
If you are able to run those applications you are not an average user. You are also not looking at what i posted earlier about the users vs guest. At any given time there are 50 to 70 actual members signed in and over 800 guests lurking. Do you speak for all those average users. How are you the only member in this forum that has never encountered a comodo bug? I could go on, but its pointless, as everyone will look in the mirror, and say, oh hes talking about me, he is wrong.

Comodo is not install and forget, you had to follow someone else's instructions, meaning you could not configure it yourself, if it flaked out on a system file, i doubt you would know what to do about it even being as far involved with systems as you are, the same if a legit application had aspects of it blocked or worse yet corrupted, would you know what to do, probably not. This is advanced territory, meaning this application was designed for advanced users period. Just because you can slap it on your system under someone else's rules, does not mean you understand it or would know what to do if something happened. Matter of fact the same could be said of many tools in security, that is why most are configured right out of the box with default settings based on usability and protection. Comodo for most users needs someone to "SHOW" you how to set it up. Hence advanced application.

Im not going to sit here and explain this to each and every member that takes offense to this, its simple folks, it is not designed for average users period. It is not main stream for a reason.
I'm not speaking for the average user. I'm speaking AS an average user. And I don't know why I've never encountered a Comodo bug. Maybe because I install it, set it to proactive, turn off HIPS, and click a couple of other boxes, and leave it alone. I don't try to understand Comodo or any other software. I only want Comodo and the others to do their job until the laptop/desktop dies of old age.

As for following someone else's instructions, of course I did, just like when I buy a new TV I skim the instruction manual (someone else's instructions), or buy a car and check the manual to find where things are and how they work (someone else's instructions).


Level 13
Top Poster
Oct 22, 2018
I just installed CF over previous, so far so good. :D
Agree, eg, that I for one found that I had to follow "someone else's instructions" ie cruelsister's (several years ago). Her video(s) with text make the configuration of the several CF settings simple enough for me to follow, IMO if the "average" user could not follow her video instructions, then most likely that user is below average. But agree with Ultimate Vision and Chuck57 to the extent that average user would not go looking to use CF. Any guest reading MT would soon understand that CF generates pros & cons from folks. Also assume most guests here do not consider themselves experts, that's why they're reading here. Unclear (to me) why some folks consider CF "dangerous" enough to post continuous "warnings" while I find other apps, more dangerous -- Avast has never run well for me, Eset Premium ate my win firewall this year, AppGuard gave me headaches, Acronis ate my hdd (once upon a time)... o_O (40 years later running software that works for me :whistle:)
WARNING to all you average users: learn how to use a reliable backup first. Learning how to maximize MS Defender 2d.
Same here. I use her settings. I do recall her mentioning HIPS as being unnecessary in her setup, and a source of many of the bugs. I've never used any HIPS because I don't understand it or know how to set up a HIPS program. Nor do I know a blessed thing about coding. I looked at Python years ago and immediately spiraled into feelings of inadequacy. It ain't my "thing."


Level 40
Top Poster
Apr 16, 2017
Same here. I use her settings. I do recall her mentioning HIPS as being unnecessary in her setup, and a source of many of the bugs. I've never used any HIPS because I don't understand it or know how to set up a HIPS program. Nor do I know a blessed thing about coding. I looked at Python years ago and immediately spiraled into feelings of inadequacy. It ain't my "thing."
...and I studied (took a course in) Fortran 55 years ago punching IBM cards, never followed thru to the "expert" level :ROFLMAO:

ForgottenSeer 103564

Oh its ok, let the users keep bashing, it takes many to gang up on one user just trying to help average users learn and be safe.

Not long ago in another thread the same cruel sister was chatting with a young man about testing malware, she encouraged it after being told the young man was only 15. Even with others stating VM's are not bullet proof she continued to encourage it. Well that user ended up posting in malware help section with an infection, on his parents network, a 15 year old, encouraged by the very same behavior here.

I helped that user repair files on his system, i turn around and see him asking for help to get back into testing again.

It simple, what we suggest and do here effects others, its seriously a responsibility and not a joke. I dont care what your motivations or narrative is, if it effects others in a negative way, im going to speak up. Yes i was going to stop doing this, until i realized a handful of users are truing hard to push some sort of narrative on others, and i cant sit back and watch that. It does not reflect well on this community or forum. I have known some of these users here for many years.

Cruelsis pushed on this, and used to work for fireeyes, she of all users knows better. So yes, i spoke up. There is literally nothing left to say now, other than be careful who you are influencing.


Level 23
Top Poster
Aug 19, 2019
I'm resisting the temptation. I've read on their forum that you can install directly over 8012, and others say you can't. Does the installation retain your settings?
You can import your settings which is the most reliable option. The betas have been leaving some leftover drivers which i end up having to remove manually if I want to fresh install. So, export your settings if your going to install and I would do a fresh install. The Drivers left over are cmdguard.inf and cmdhlp.inf
You can manually remove them by first listing the drivers: Dism /online /Get-Drivers /Format:Table and then running this command: pnputil /delete-driver oem(OEM NUMBER).inf /uninstall /force well, at least on my machine. I'm just thankful I can switch back to the Lycia theme so I have the more informative UI.


Level 13
Top Poster
Oct 22, 2018
Oh its ok, let the users keep bashing, it takes many to gang up on one user just trying to help average users learn and be safe.

Not long ago in another thread the same cruel sister was chatting with a young man about testing malware, she encouraged it after being told the young man was only 15. Even with others stating VM's are not bullet proof she continued to encourage it. Well that user ended up posting in malware help section with an infection, on his parents network, a 15 year old, encouraged by the very same behavior here.
And in Los Alamos NM some years ago, two high school kids, 16 yrs old, broke into Los Alamos National Lab computers from their high school computer. Literally, got through LANL security. They were caught because the lab tracked back to the high school computer and they were the 2 using it at that time. There was no evil intent. They just, so they said, wanted to see if they could do it.

I'd venture there are kids out there light years ahead of many of us here. They grew up with the things, the same as I grew up with a pencil and later a pen.


Level 14
Jun 12, 2023
Oh its ok, let the users keep bashing, it takes many to gang up on one user just trying to help average users learn and be safe.

Not long ago in another thread the same cruel sister was chatting with a young man about testing malware, she encouraged it after being told the young man was only 15. Even with others stating VM's are not bullet proof she continued to encourage it. Well that user ended up posting in malware help section with an infection, on his parents network, a 15 year old, encouraged by the very same behavior here.

I helped that user repair files on his system, i turn around and see him asking for help to get back into testing again.

It simple, what we suggest and do here effects others, its seriously a responsibility and not a joke. I dont care what your motivations or narrative is, if it effects others in a negative way, im going to speak up. Yes i was going to stop doing this, until i realized a handful of users are truing hard to push some sort of narrative on others, and i cant sit back and watch that. It does not reflect well on this community or forum. I have known some of these users here for many years.

Cruelsis pushed on this, and used to work for fireeyes, she of all users knows better. So yes, i spoke up. There is literally nothing left to say now, other than be careful who you are influencing.
I was the person who was testing malware. I’m the thread about malware removal, this was me accidentally running a malware file on my host system when I was trying to upload it to a sandbox. It wasn’t due to a member encouraging me to use a VM.

I do appreciate the concern about influencing people. I understand the risks associated with malware now and have stopped testing.

ForgottenSeer 103564

I was the person who was testing malware. I’m the thread about malware removal, this was me accidentally running a malware file on my host system when I was trying to upload it to a sandbox. It wasn’t due to a member encouraging me to use a VM.

I do appreciate the concern about influencing people. I understand the risks associated with malware now and have stopped testing.
I was in that thread when you spoke to cruelsis about VM's. I mentioned it was not a good idea because a former mod here even had stuff escape onto his system, sound familiar?

I appreciate you not taking offense, as im trying to watch out for others, as some seem to think its no big deal how this effects others.


Level 14
Jun 12, 2023
I was in that thread when you spoke to cruelsis about VM's. I mentioned it was not a good idea because a former mod here even had stuff escape onto his system, sound familiar?

I appreciate you not taking offense, as im trying to watch out for others, as some seem to think its no big deal how this effects others.
The only reason I tested it was because I had Kaspersky Default Deny on the host. With that, I’d assume it would be very hard for something to escape.


Level 23
Top Poster
Aug 19, 2019
No one really is an average user and if CIS/CFW causes you issues, either seek help or use another product. There's a bit of a ways to go before this new CIS/CF really shows improvement and still lots of bugs to fix.
Yes, I've had the disappearing icon which would show up a few minutes later, windows security centre taking 10 minutes before recognizing CIS/CF being installed and maybe some visual glitches but as soon as I start messing around with whitelisting, tweaking HIPS to protect the entire drive and other lockdown settings, that's where I ran into issue.
You and do lots with comodo and tweak it all you want but it's not necessary. Yes the default config got dummed down some back in 2018/2019 but Containment showed it's true power by then. I learn from using CIS as I've trialled things over the years but backing up is a top tip if you really want to tweak it extensively.
Anyway, it's great when used simply and if your not having issues you can set and forget for the most part until you start installing uncommon software maybe Comodo hasn't vetted yet but you can always submit it, check VT and whitelist if your sure it's safe. Only a minor inconvenience really and if Comodo didn't work for me, I'd use some other product. (e.g. Hard_Configurator was my go to default deny when I went on a CIS hiatus).


Level 14
Jun 12, 2023
I was in that thread when you spoke to cruelsis about VM's. I mentioned it was not a good idea because a former mod here even had stuff escape onto his system, sound familiar?

I appreciate you not taking offense, as im trying to watch out for others, as some seem to think its no big deal how this affects others.
To ease your mind about me testing, I do not engage in VM testing. The only analysis I do is obtaining samples, putting them in sandboxes, and using K default deny to ensure I don’t accidentally start them.

ForgottenSeer 97327

To ease your mind about me testing, I do not engage in VM testing. The only analysis I do is obtaining samples, putting them in sandboxes, and using K default deny to ensure I don’t accidentally start them.
As much as I hate to defend Mr Ultimate Friendly's take on this, I have to agree with our all knowing visionair: you better test malware in VM, not on your real system

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