Also, look at system impact and cost.
For free versions, I think Avast is the most complete for features while Kaspersky is the lightest in terms of system impact.
For paid versions, I think Kaspersky can be purchased for a low price. That is, you look for promos in various stores, buy a serial, turn on a free VPN like UrbanVPN and set to the country of origin of the store, and then paste the serial in the AV to activate it. After that, you can turn off the VPN.
For example, I found a promo for Kaspersky Standard, three devices, one year, for less than US$12.
If you find similar for other AVs and the means to stack serials, you can probably do something like that.
In the future, if you decide to continue using the paid version after the serial you buy expires, you can look for a new one, or just let the AV revert to the free version.