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- Mar 13, 2016
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On my desktop I a running Windows 7 Enterprise. Desktop just came with this OS. I had a Vista Busienss before, so kept using SRP for seven years, Since I am on MalwareTips I decided to use AppLocker. SRP gives less hassle when installing stuff, but AppLocker is more granular, since it allows rules for users and has better signature rules than SRP (with exceptions).
I run Firefox under a limited account (Safe_surfer) and made Safe_surfer a member of the GUEST's group also. Benefit of this is that I can set Access Contole Lists for NTFS volumes/folders/files for GUEST's without impacting other users. Simply set a deny execute and create/write/delete ACL for GUEST's on your Documents/Pictures/Music/Video folders/libraries and protect all you valueable data by putting that user in a ACL sandbox. Since your normal admin account runs with normal (limited) user of elevated (admin) rights, adding an extra restricting for Guests does not interfere with your other users.
But back to AppLocker. AppLocker can be used to maket it difficult for other processes to steal the credentials of that process. For instance for my Mozilla Firefox folder I have added some AppLocker rules to add some thresholds and obstacles for malware and exploits.
1. Add a DENY path rule for C:\Program Files\Mozilla\* and with exception for signature of Mozilla Corporation.
(this deny rule allows only Mozilla signed programs are allowed in Firefox installation folder)
2. Add a Deny pathrule for *\firefox.exe (program name with wildcard) with an exception for signature of Mozailla
(this deny rules allows only correctly signed Firefox to be executed, so makes process hijacking-hollowing more difficult). Funny thing is can run firefox as other user (with short cut: C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /user:Secure_Surfer /savecred "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"), but can't even log-in to Secure_surfer user anymore
With some imagination. e.g. set a deny all (path *) for Secure_Surfer (user which runs firefox) with exception rule Mozilla signed, sort of puts firefox in isolated container (sandbox) having no access to all build-in microsoft scripters (the achilles heel of any home user setup) like powershell. wscript, cmd etc (in home versions al of this stuff should be disabled IMO, since there is little to no use for average user for these shells and scripters). Moziall still updates fine because the main user (Admin/Limited) runs the firefox maintenance service (and secure surfer is allowed to start mozilla processes only).
Any one else using AppLocker and having tips by using odd combo's (e.g. a deny with an exception = allow only when ...)
N.B. I also made an account for ad hoc (syncack free) backups to an old laptop 2.5 disk which I use for quick backups of my documents. I did not even bother to put the old laptop HD in brackets in a bay, just stick it with some duck tape in my desktop
. I made the Baclup_user member of the power users and only gave full ACL access rights to power users for that quick backup disk. This way ransom ware (often going for admin/system rights) can't touch that quick backup (neither can normal users or guests). Simply runing Syncback free as other user (Backup_user) keeps my data safe during the day .
Regards Kees
I run Firefox under a limited account (Safe_surfer) and made Safe_surfer a member of the GUEST's group also. Benefit of this is that I can set Access Contole Lists for NTFS volumes/folders/files for GUEST's without impacting other users. Simply set a deny execute and create/write/delete ACL for GUEST's on your Documents/Pictures/Music/Video folders/libraries and protect all you valueable data by putting that user in a ACL sandbox. Since your normal admin account runs with normal (limited) user of elevated (admin) rights, adding an extra restricting for Guests does not interfere with your other users.
But back to AppLocker. AppLocker can be used to maket it difficult for other processes to steal the credentials of that process. For instance for my Mozilla Firefox folder I have added some AppLocker rules to add some thresholds and obstacles for malware and exploits.
1. Add a DENY path rule for C:\Program Files\Mozilla\* and with exception for signature of Mozilla Corporation.
(this deny rule allows only Mozilla signed programs are allowed in Firefox installation folder)
2. Add a Deny pathrule for *\firefox.exe (program name with wildcard) with an exception for signature of Mozailla
(this deny rules allows only correctly signed Firefox to be executed, so makes process hijacking-hollowing more difficult). Funny thing is can run firefox as other user (with short cut: C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /user:Secure_Surfer /savecred "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"), but can't even log-in to Secure_surfer user anymore
With some imagination. e.g. set a deny all (path *) for Secure_Surfer (user which runs firefox) with exception rule Mozilla signed, sort of puts firefox in isolated container (sandbox) having no access to all build-in microsoft scripters (the achilles heel of any home user setup) like powershell. wscript, cmd etc (in home versions al of this stuff should be disabled IMO, since there is little to no use for average user for these shells and scripters). Moziall still updates fine because the main user (Admin/Limited) runs the firefox maintenance service (and secure surfer is allowed to start mozilla processes only).
Any one else using AppLocker and having tips by using odd combo's (e.g. a deny with an exception = allow only when ...)
N.B. I also made an account for ad hoc (syncack free) backups to an old laptop 2.5 disk which I use for quick backups of my documents. I did not even bother to put the old laptop HD in brackets in a bay, just stick it with some duck tape in my desktop
Regards Kees
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