Can you make a summary of all the tests done by now with the number of bypasses, please?
I may try but I don't promise but so far what I remember:
- Kaspersky: missed 1 sample
- Emsisoft: missed 2-3 samples, blocked screenlockers also but screenlockers sucessfully overlapped the popups
- BD: missed 3-4 samples until it was destroyed by petya
- AVG: missed 4-5 samples, failed against petya too
- CCAV: missed petya | CF/proactive: blocked everything
- Kaspersky antiransomware tool: missed a lot
- MB antiransomware: missed a lot
- MB3: not counted, all detected by signatures, couldn't isolate its antiransomware module
- Norton: not counted, same as above, couldn't use SONAR without realtime protection
- Appcheck free & HitmanPro.Alert: missed 2-4 samples, some got blocked but still encrypted a few files. I counted as a miss. Appcheck free doesn't protect against petya. HMP.A blocked petya
- Xvirus firewall Pro: missed a lot, blocked but files were still encrypted
- Xvirus personal guard: same as above but better than the firewall
- Winpatrol WAR: blocked 100%
Does default "Internet Security" config protects against petya?
sorry I don't know, I just tested proactive profile