Veracrypt is a fork of TrueCrypt. According to the developer of Vera, VeraCrypt patched and fixed memory leaks, buffer overflows and security issues that were present in the original TrueCrypt source code.
VeraCrypt however uses SHA-256 support for system encryption instead of the TrueCrypt original RIPEMD-160 algorithm.
TrueCrypt 7.1a still works by the way but TrueCrypt was plagued with issues left right and center to its core (core i mean source code) ...
CipherShed is another fork of TrueCrypt, and is cross platform, meaning you can run it on Linux (do not really know why you would want that unless you dual boot with Windows, since Linux offers encryption options depending on the distros), Windows and MacOS.
Now depending on your OS and what you want to do, aside from the top 2 options above, you can go with:
Symantec Endpoint Encryption (not freeware)
Diskcryptor (last release was in 2014)
Boxcryptor (still exists but haven't tried it at all)
Axcrypt (same as Boxcryptor comment)