If used correctly CIS can be a very powerful piece of software
if used incorrectly it can also be a very powerful piece of software
In it's most recent version (6 beta) it's promising to become even more user friendly - less pop ups etc
CIS has never been an install and forget solution but it seems to be going in that direction
if you have the default settings you are pretty well protected especially as judging by the new CIS 6 help guide limited sandbox restriction now seems to be default
take time to read the help guide and get to know CIS, if your not sure ask, your in the right place

oh and the beta will not update itself to the next beta/RC version so keep an eye on Comodos forum
forgive me if I'm wrong but I assume your fairly new to security...
well I would say your further down the path then most peeps just by been here
so your ahead of the game