Bitdefender 2020 Released


Level 39
Top Poster
Apr 1, 2019
Norton getting into bed with LifeLock told you everything you need to know, even before the sale. LifeLock - what a SCAM!
My professor of fraud investigation in graduate school used to mock the guy who started life lock with his SSN on all the billboards. It got used right and left and then they just would sick their legal team on it.


Level 24
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Content Creator
May 26, 2014
I think you are aware that, Symantec/Norton relies on machine power to sustain it's malware detection engine, they do not have as skilled developers/malware analysts as Kaspersky. Do not expect that to change. Symantec will likely not be an important player the way it was before the Broadcom acquisition (same with Norton). I wouldn't recommend using Norton/Symantec in the medium term (~2-3 years).

Spot on!


Level 24
Top Poster
May 16, 2018
Norton is close to Kaspersky on the most important AV tests.

True. In fact, I'd ague that in all testing combined in 2019, Norton did better.

Norton getting into bed with LifeLock told you everything you need to know, even before the sale. LifeLock - what a SCAM!

Hmmm... I dunno about a scam. Certainly the guy who founded LifeLock was a clown. What blackice said.... and.... If I remember correctly, he was a convicted felon -- several times over. I always advised people to pick a better and more reasonably priced credit monitoring organization. And then... I picked up LifeLock at no cost. I now have 5 credit monitoring services going --- and I'm paying for none of them. Most of them are based on this breach or that breach and the offending company providing credit monitoring. Now when I have a credit alert.... LifeLock is always first to notify me. And... try to contact one of the credit monitoring services directly. You can't. LifeLock always picks up the phone. And it's damn convenient. I wanted to run down a random credit inquiry I received. You can try to contact the company of the credit inquiry. But that's mostly a losing proposition. It's difficult to even find the right place to inquire. The phone number that sometimes appears on credit inquiries is often useless. The credit bureaus only offer the option of freezing your credit. One call to LifeLock... and they took care of the whole thing and reported back to me what they found. I think it's actually the best one. But.... If I didn't get it free -- would I pay for it? Probably not.

Agree. We may be seeing the beginning of the end of Norton as we know it. The recent SELabs test may be an early indicator that the corporate machinations of Symantec/Norton may not play out well for us consumers. Still too early to tell, but it could be. I run multiple AVs.... and if I were to replace Norton on my machines, I'd look at Bitdefender and ESET. Although... I've been running an unmanaged endpoint version of CrowdStrike Falcon on one computer for a few years --- and I like that quite a bit. I like SEP too... but that's in the same boat as Norton. I was given a comped SentinelOne unmanaged endpoint license. I just have not been motivated enough to try it yet.. If I was given a Nyotron or Deep Instinct license.... those would motivate me..


Level 2
May 17, 2020
Hi, I was customer of BitDefender for 1 Year in 3 Computers. These Computers one are with good specs and others with low and medium specs.

Some people are here saying that BitDefender is bad and bla bla bla, sorry guys. That isn't true. Some of them uses BitDefender Free that's simple and doesn't have all features tht Internet Security have.

BitDefender Free is a good solution? Yes. But don't think and don't compare with Internet Security solution that have differences between a free product and a paid.

I never see a lot of resource usage, it uses RAM and CPU? Yes, like all the others, but not exagerated how people says.
It runs smoothly? Yes, I never see any problem in Performance of Computer, unless you use a Computer with 2GB or less, that is different. Even Windows 10 with computer 2GB doesn't run fastest. That is how it works. Not every computer will run something fast, or you upgrade. Or you adapt to how it works.

Strange Customers: BitDefender have bugs, exploits or problems? Like all products have, why people (if they can of course) that have paid for BitDefender Solutions doesn't contact their support, reporting bugs, exploits or problems? It should be the first thing people who paid for the AV Solution should do. After that of course, come here to report and complaint.

I don't understand these people who paid but never uses support even if they have a problem, they prefer go to the forum complaint about something only BitDefender Support can review and update or fix it, sorry I don't understand this kind of customers / users.

What can say about BitDefender Products, I was using BitDefender Internet Security and here is my opinion:

  • Have a good detection rate against Malware, Trojans and worms.
  • Is not heavy how some people say
  • Support is quite decent, not bad at all.
  • Firewall works fine
  • Scans runs faster
  • Extra Features
  • Protection against Ransomware is very decent
  • 0-Zero day exploits also is decent.
  • Their Database of Signatures is great.

Negative Cons:
  • BitDefender should focus more on Adware / PUP they detect, but they don't detect to much. And PUP is not considered malware, but some of them steal information of browsing history, cookies. This is the way how BitDefender should improve and make it better. Please Adware / PUP is something that BitDefender shoud look for, in these days, it's crucial to block or warning the user that is been detected PUP and it's optional to remove.

  • RollBack - BitDefender should look for rollback when Malware is infected computer, Kaspersky have this feature. And it does very well.. BitDefender should make one, or improve the way how they desinfect the computer, sometimes it keeps temp files or shortcuts of Malware.

  • BitDefender do Advanced Memory Scan, and make it better (like ESET)

  • BitDefender is slow, and sometimes ignore Submitted Samples from their website. Sometimes they never add it to their Database! They really need work here. (I'm BitDefender I should acquire Interzer, it's interesting project and I'm sure it will improve the submittions and increase the signatures or database of BitDefender).

People saying that Norton is better or is close to BitDefender, never! BitDefender is much better, it's not by chance that AntiMalware like Hitman any many others uses BitDefender Engine. Where is Norton?

Someone with contacts can say to BitDefender or contact them, in order to improve their Protection against Adware / PUP? That is the worst thing of BitDefender, IMO.
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Level 43
Top Poster
Content Creator
Dec 4, 2014
I never see a lot of resource usage, it uses RAM and CPU? Yes, like all the others, but not exagerated how people says.
It runs smoothly? Yes, I never see any problem in Performance of Computer, unless you use a Computer with 2GB or less, that is different. Even Windows 10 with computer 2GB doesn't run fastest. That is how it works. Not every computer will run something fast, or you upgrade. Or you adapt to how it works.
People who post here about performance issues about Bitdefender (or any other antivirus), don't exaggerate. Bitdefender is light for some, but not so much for others. Just because it runs well for you, it is not an indication of how it performs for everyone. However, people are finding the 2020 version to be lighter than previous versions, which is good.
Strange Customers: BitDefender have bugs, exploits or problems? Like all products have, why people (if they can of course) that have paid for BitDefender Solutions doesn't contact their support, reporting bugs, exploits or problems? It should be the first thing people who paid for the AV Solution should do. After that of course, come here to report and complaint.
In the past Bitdefender has been very buggy for a lot of people, but has run well for others. Based on feedback here, it's clear that many people who had issues with previous versions, aren't having issues with the 2020 version. But there are some who still find it to be buggy.

Given the amount of people who have had issues in the past, I'm sure that Bitdefender were well aware of the bugs, but only recently made a serious attempt to fix them. Considering that, I not sure how how much help, more people reporting bugs would have been.
And PUP is not considered malware, but some of them steal information of browsing history, cookies.
Just about all PUPs are harmless. Anything which actually steals data, is malware of some sort and not a PUP.

But I do agree, that Bitdefender could do with much better PUP protection.
People saying that Norton is better or is close to BitDefender, never!
Norton is much less buggy than Bitdefender was in the past and will be lighter for some people (maybe many people). In addition to that, while the future of Norton has some uncertainty, it is very good at detecting malware. They are both good products.


Level 2
May 17, 2020
People who post here about performance issues about Bitdefender (or any other antivirus), don't exaggerate. Bitdefender is light for some, but not so much for others. Just because it runs well for you, it is not an indication of how it performs for everyone. However, people are finding the 2020 version to be lighter than previous versions, which is good.

Yes I know it, but I have said. I have used this in different computers, some of them are only to browsing, Office and work not more than that, another for Gaming etc.
No issues with performance, some people complaint about it because sometimes they have low computer resources. I don't know which computer they are using, right?

And I agree with you, some people have problems, others don't. But BitDefender isn't bad at all.

They should contact support.

In the past Bitdefender has been very buggy for a lot of people, but has run well for others. Based on feedback here, it's clear that many people who had issues with previous versions, aren't having issues with the 2020 version. But there are some who still find it to be buggy.

Given the amount of people who have had issues in the past, I'm sure that Bitdefender were well aware of the bugs, but only recently made a serious attempt to fix them. Considering that, I not sure how how much help, more people reporting bugs would have been.

Sure, but most of them. Come to forum to "blame, RANT" before contacting support. First they should contact Support after that they should complaint here. If customers never complaint, it never will be fixed or improved. Feedback is important. If they ignore it's a problem of the company. You did the right thing.

Also I have seen before people here complaint without using 2020 version, just because 2017 or 2016 (just example) was a buggy... That doesn't mean 2020 is or still buggy, they just give a try. We can't blame or RANT without trying, right? You can blame or RANT something you have experienced right?

Report to support is the best way, coming here and RANT without contact support to fix them, will not solve. Of course sometimes, they can watch threads of foruns to collect feedback from users, but reporting is the best option. First because they or you paid for it.

I Agree with you.

Just about all PUPs are harmless. Anything which actually steals data, is malware of some sort and not a PUP.

But I do agree, that Bitdefender could do with much better PUP protection.

I have submitted a lot of PUP and BitDefender seems it has "clean" but isn't. PUP steal information about users browsing, local browser history and cookies, they have suspicious HTTP Traffic and much more

Here is an example of that, I have submitted PUP sample and this is the reply


Reimage Repair BitDefender says it's not malicious, isn't? Let's check out. (If rules allows that)

Here another analyzes about the same program:

This is a example, BitDefender should improve their protection against PUP urgently. Even Windows Defender detects it has PUP.

BitDefender should look for that in other way... It they do this, their detection rate will be more higher than before. Not forget some pack of Samples contains "adware/PUP" for me can be considered "malware" or malicious activity. But for BitDefender isn't malicious.. They forget when these PUP want they do update and drop malware in our computer. And boom it's infected.

PUP programs should be viewed as a potential attacker at any time.

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Level 28
Top Poster
May 3, 2015
Light or heavy depends on a lot of things. In my experience even in two identical machines, driver version may make a difference. As I said previously I have Bitdefender 2020 running on my father-in-law's 2nd generation I3 and his computer is not slowed down.

Regarding addition of samples, in my experience, ESET is the fastest one to add new malware to their signatures, followed by Kaspersky. Kaspersky is the only one that will often give feedback on the samples you submit. Never received feedback from ESET or Bitdefender.

Also, Bitdefender is slow to remove false positives. It blocks a page I visit often and i reported the false positive almost a year ago. It's still blocked. Kaspersky took around 15 days to remove the false positive. ESET never marked that page as compromised.

There are other things that should be considered when choosing a Suit. If you need Parental Control, Bitdefender has a really good one so does ESET. Kaspersky parental Control will often create problems on the Kids devices and lacks an option to temporally allow an action, such as accessing device settings, forcing you to login and disable.

If you have multiple devices in your family, Bitdefender central is the most informative one informing what has been blocked recently and where it came from in any of te machines under your license. That's how i discovered my father-in-law is clicker happy and will often click on scams :)

So the bottom line is. In terms of protection most major vendors protection level is similar. So take in consideration ease of use, price and the other product characteristics that may be important to you. Test the software in your machines for the full length of their trials and use the computer normally to make sure they do not hamper your daily use. If they block something you need before rage uninstalling, try to check if it's simple to whitelist the item. And most important of ignore internet preconception about a product such as "Bugdefender". Bitdefender used to have a lot of bugs but it greatly improved in the 2020 version. Remember that no product is bug free and none offer 100% protection.

Vitali Ortzi

Level 30
Top Poster
Dec 12, 2016
True. In fact, I'd ague that in all testing combined in 2019, Norton did better.

Hmmm... I dunno about a scam. Certainly the guy who founded LifeLock was a clown. What blackice said.... and.... If I remember correctly, he was a convicted felon -- several times over. I always advised people to pick a better and more reasonably priced credit monitoring organization. And then... I picked up LifeLock at no cost. I now have 5 credit monitoring services going --- and I'm paying for none of them. Most of them are based on this breach or that breach and the offending company providing credit monitoring. Now when I have a credit alert.... LifeLock is always first to notify me. And... try to contact one of the credit monitoring services directly. You can't. LifeLock always picks up the phone. And it's damn convenient. I wanted to run down a random credit inquiry I received. You can try to contact the company of the credit inquiry. But that's mostly a losing proposition. It's difficult to even find the right place to inquire. The phone number that sometimes appears on credit inquiries is often useless. The credit bureaus only offer the option of freezing your credit. One call to LifeLock... and they took care of the whole thing and reported back to me what they found. I think it's actually the best one. But.... If I didn't get it free -- would I pay for it? Probably not.

Agree. We may be seeing the beginning of the end of Norton as we know it. The recent SELabs test may be an early indicator that the corporate machinations of Symantec/Norton may not play out well for us consumers. Still too early to tell, but it could be. I run multiple AVs.... and if I were to replace Norton on my machines, I'd look at Bitdefender and ESET. Although... I've been running an unmanaged endpoint version of CrowdStrike Falcon on one computer for a few years --- and I like that quite a bit. I like SEP too... but that's in the same boat as Norton. I was given a comped SentinelOne unmanaged endpoint license. I just have not been motivated enough to try it yet.. If I was given a Nyotron or Deep Instinct license.... those would motivate me..
Yeah SEP unmanaged is pretty average and weak .
But the management server isn't bad but lacking some stuff like application hardening (isolation based security) better application control / per app exploit mitigation etc .
Unfortunately I won't use the Cloud (SES ) because of privacy concerns.
BTW where did you get falcon unmanaged ?
Do they sell to consumers ?


Level 2
May 17, 2020
If Bitdefender reduce the RAM usage, will become the number one security program.

Sorry, to say. Everything uses RAM or CPU. BitDefender isn't heavy. Always but always AV will consume RAM. Little or high they will do it.
Like Browsers do, you should upgrade your memory RAM or CPU. There no magic tricks.

This is the reality, using RAM doesn't mean it will slowdown your computer, unless your computer is old. But isn't heavy at all.. 2020 is much better, just give a try.


Level 28
Top Poster
Oct 31, 2014
Sorry, to say. Everything uses RAM or CPU. BitDefender isn't heavy. Always but always AV will consume RAM. Little or high they will do it.
Like Browsers do, you should upgrade your memory RAM or CPU. There no magic tricks.

This is the reality, using RAM doesn't mean it will slowdown your computer, unless your computer is old. But isn't heavy at all.. 2020 is much better, just give a try.
I know my friend. But i don t like to have one antivirus to it consume 400 and more mb , when I have options to consume less than 100


Level 4
Jan 20, 2020
I can not believe it in this forum 20 pages talking about bitdefender?
and most of the opinions are good
something is changing
bitdefender number 1
P.D bitdefender fan for years

I am still not a fan of their region-specific support. Apparently licenses that I bought in my country are not eligible for technical support if I go outside the country. Very weird way to operate and I don't know any other vendor doing it.


Level 2
May 17, 2020
I know my friend. But i don t like to have one antivirus to it consume 400 and more mb , when I have options to consume less than 100

Well... If I were you I should be careful. I prefer to one Antivirus consuming 400Mb and more MB, when protects better than those how consume less than 100, and doesn't do the job.


That is how it works. If you are looking for something tht uses less than 100Mb is better don't use anything. ;)



Level 28
Top Poster
Oct 31, 2014
Well... If I were you I should be careful. I prefer to one Antivirus consuming 400Mb and more MB, when protects better than those how consume less than 100, and doesn't do the job.


That is how it works. If you are looking for something tht uses less than 100Mb is better don't use anything. ;)

You are a fan of Bitdefender and I have no reason to argue with you.
Get my answer
Χωρίς τίτλο.jpg


Level 43
Top Poster
Content Creator
Dec 4, 2014
Yes I know it, but I have said. I have used this in different computers, some of them are only to browsing, Office and work not more than that, another for Gaming etc.
No issues with performance, some people complaint about it because sometimes they have low computer resources. I don't know which computer they are using, right?
In the past, Bitdefender has slowed down my computer very noticably. While the computer I was using at the time was not particularly powerful, it ran very well with no antivirus installed and with some other antiviruses, there were no noticeable slowdowns. It just comes down to how antivirus performance can vary from one computer to the next. As an example, some people with low end system are happy with Windows Defender and don't find it affects performance much. But on the other hand, some people with high end systems find it causes slowdowns.
Sure, but most of them. Come to forum to "blame, RANT" before contacting support. First they should contact Support after that they should complaint here. If customers never complaint, it never will be fixed or improved. Feedback is important.
True, but when so many people were having issues with old versions of Bitdefender, then clearly some users would have been reporting the issues and they weren't putting much effort in to fixing them.
Also I have seen before people here complaint without using 2020 version, just because 2017 or 2016 (just example) was a buggy... That doesn't mean 2020 is or still buggy, they just give a try. We can't blame or RANT without trying, right? You can blame or RANT something you have experienced right?
I agree. But it's understandable that people have some scepticism if multiple versions have been buggy for them in the past. Aside from that, many people have posted that 2020 version is working much better than previous versions.
Reimage Repair BitDefender says it's not malicious, isn't? Let's check out. (If rules allows that)
It's not malicious and a program I used many years ago. It was a very interesting concept when it was first released. They even had planned to add the ability to run it from a bootable CD/DVD, to be able to repair a non bootable Windows installation. However it seems that a few years after it was released it was sold to a different company. Since then, it's been often included as unwanted extra when you install other software and there have been no new features added. As I said initially, it's not malicious, but I believe's free Windows Repair software does a much better job of fixing issues with Windows.
PUP programs should be viewed as a potential attacker at any time.
I've been testing PUPs more many years. I would say that 99% of PUPs are not malicious, despite the bad reputation that have. For example, there is no motive for Reimage to steal your data, when they make money selling their app.
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Level 12
Top Poster
Mar 28, 2019
I think you are aware that, Symantec/Norton relies on machine power to sustain it's malware detection engine, they do not have as skilled developers/malware analysts as Kaspersky. Do not expect that to change. Symantec will likely not be an important player the way it was before the Broadcom acquisition (same with Norton). I wouldn't recommend using Norton/Symantec in the medium term (~2-3 years).

Norton is still very good for home users and it offers good protection with latest version updates.

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