With all the low level security they have been pushing they could make it impossible for a user to do that if they wanted
Eh would definitely be a weird ride in the security by default where everyone will be adminless with low level firmware checks
Unless they pay for some administration license to unlock paid enterprise features with the cloud
Not sure if it will happen but it's always a possibility with their security by default agenda
Only good thing is that every PC will be as secure as their Xbox
Over the years Microsoft has slowly been wearing-down users and making a strong attempt to manage their devices for them (at least the basics such as applying security patches):
1. Forced updates
2. Forced use of a Microsoft Account
3. Forced Windows S Mode on certain devices
However, to a very large extent, Microsoft wants no parts of home users and all the stuff that they bring.
The entire "users want to use stuff and they should be able to do what they want" is dinosaur thinking. That model has never worked and is the cause of everything that you read about in the daily cybersecurity news.
Do not blame Microsoft or any other company for terrible user security. Blame the users because they are 90% of the cause of device insecurity. Microsoft and OEMs could make extremely secure devices for consumers, but those consumers will not let them. The consumers want what they want when they want it. Well that is just like catering to a 4 year old child that throws temper tantrums and giving them what they want every single time because that is what makes the child stop carrying on like the little obnoxious thug that it is.
I do not think humanity is smart enough to be secure (or prevent catastrophic climate change or fix any other major problems such as the coming world war). Too many soft people. Too many people that want what they want when they want it.